The Trump people ARE trying hard to keep America from having anybody come here illegally or legally ….
They won’t succeed …
But they are working hard to scare people away…
The Trump administration announced a new policy Friday that tightens rules for foreign or exchange students who overstay U.S. visas by counting days overstayed, not from the time the violation is reported, but from the time the visa expires.
Why it matters: The new rules, which are set to go into effect in 90 days, will count significantly more days as time overstayed. Students are banned from re-entering the country based on how long they overstayed their visas. Per the Wall Street Journal, 180-day overstay results in a 3-year ban, and an overstay of over a year prompts a 10-year ban.
Plus I’m sure that Atty-Gen Sessions won’t take long (perhaps under prodding from A Certain Person*) to make the legal presumption that anyone who overstays a visa by even one day is a criminal offender.
* the Top Party Person in Power Taking the Capitalist Road
I Awould agree DSD…..
Circling the wagons..
People are STILL gonna take the risk to come to America
I do not know about currently
But MORE people were deported during Obam’s watch than Trump…..
Obama ramped things up to try to get a immigration deal from the Republicans in Congress…That never came…..
Kirsten Nielsen, the DHS Sec is not on her bosses best like list….
In seems that rightwingnut’s have leaned on Trump wanting to know why DHS hasn’t rounded up MORE Ilegal and legal people and deported them….
The DHS is reported to have offered her resignation several times in reaction to Trump’s typical beat down of staff members
Kirstjen Nielsen, John Kelly’s successor as Sec. of Homeland Sec., was reported (I think in The New York Times yesterday) to have written but not submitted her resignation after being called out by the President for insufficient deportations in a Cabinet meeting in front of all her colleagues.
The President, like other bullies such as Bobby Knight, Bill Parcells and the Karolyis, doesn’t shy away from public humiliation of those who can’t or won’t answer back. Cf. The Apprentice and the entire presidential campaign starting in 2015.
The mystery isn’t Donald Trump’s notorious inability to sympathise or empathise with anyone other than himself, but why anyone would ever want to work for this character at any level of compensation.
At least with those sports coaches, a prospective player has the prospect of winning a prize or a championship.
Someone who volunteers for this kind of military training at least expects that he or she will be better able to protect the country, others and himself or herself.
Here, here
Could Melanie Trump taking up bullying be sending her estranged husband a message?
She just has to hold on until he’s out of the White House….
Then she can cash in and go her own way….