Tom Price, President Trump’s first secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, said “the Republican tax law would raise the cost of health insurance for some Americans because it repealed a core provision of the Affordable Care Act,” the Washington Post reports.
Said Price: “There are many, and I’m one of them, who believes that that actually will harm the pool in the exchange market, because you’ll likely have individuals who are younger and healthier not participating in that market, and consequently, that drives up the cost for other folks within that market.”…..
– Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price on Sunday made some bold pledges about the GOP health care plan – it would bring down premiums and individuals would not lose coverage.
“The plan, in its entirety, will absolutely bring premiums down,” Price told CNN’s “State of the Union” because of increased competition and choices. Price was responding to criticism by two fellow Republicans from Nevada – Sen. Dean Heller and Gov. Brian Sandoval – who believe the Senate health care plan would hurt the neediest of Americans on Medicaid.
“It just wouldn’t happen,” Price said.
“The plan … we would put in place would not allow individuals to fall through the cracks and would not pull the rug out from anybody,” Price said. “We would not have individuals lose coverage that they want for themselves and their family. We want to make certain that health care is available for all Americans.”
Price’s predictions run counter to what an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office found about the similar House GOP health care plan …
For ya Z…..