The Supreme Court ruled Monday that employers can include clauses in employment contracts that force employees to settle disputes individually with a third-party arbitrator.
In a 5-4 ruling, the justices said arbitration agreements, which bar employees from joining together in arbitration or a class-action lawsuit to settle disputes over wages and working conditions, are enforceable under the Federal Arbitration Act.
Justice Neil Gorsuch said in delivering the opinion of the court that the employees challenging the agreements mistakenly claimed the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) overrides the Federal Arbitration Act and renders the agreements unlawful….
Given the current composition of the Supreme Court ,this ruling was no surprise.
The appointment of politically conservatives jurists continues as the secret aim of the right….
Most on the left have no idea this is occurring
I think Republicans are quite open about nominating and approving conservative jurists (just like Democrats want to nominate liberal jurists) and that Republicans have won a lot of elections, including perhaps the most recent Presidential one, precisely because of such a stated promise.
That’s ridiculous.
Control of the federal judiciary has been a major issue since the late 60s.Its no “secret.”
Is this an example Of you “knowing your stuff?”
I will be looking forward to their decision on a case involving an Illinois man and his desire to not be forced into joining a labor union.
CG there is nothing to look forward to…Janus V Illinois is going the same exact way this ruling went, 5-4 against Unions…It would have went that way last year for the Acme case but Scalia died and the vote went 4-4 which upheld the lower courts decision that mandatory union in public employees was not a violation of the Constitution….
All Politics aside, the Janus case is the Prime example of How Stupid Trump Voters are…Those 100K people that swung the vote on the few states that went Trump were Probably White Union Folks who fed into Trump’s MAGA Bullshit and actually voting against their own economic Interest…They supported a Candidate that would select a conservative supreme court justice that is tipping the tide to the right in the Court…Republicans as a party may war with Trump and have their little civil war, but the two things they have done with Trump and probably can’t be rolled back is the Tax cuts and the Supreme Court Selection (which if you are a conservative are all the wins you really needed out of this presidency, everything after that will be Icing on the cake).
Good insight BDog …..
I’ve been doing stories of how Trump’s political promises , like they where in the hotel business , the airlines business, eduction and others mean little and often cost investors money and employee jobs….