Robert Mueller’s boss, Rosenstein, seems to be the new target for House Republicans who have got no traction in going after Mueller in his Trump probe….
Rosenstein’s attacker is the House Republican Conservative Caucus leader Rep. Meadows, who talks regularly to Donald Trump….
This is an effort to derail the action against Trump folks…
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein beat back questions about threats to the rule of law and defended the Justice Department’s independence in a wide-ranging question and answer session Tuesday in Washington.
The sit-down at the Newseum — where Rosenstein also gave revealing responses to questions lobbed by the media and the public about his detractors on Capitol Hill, the investigation into President Donald Trump’s election campaign, and the press — was a moment of unusual candor for the man charged with overseeing the special counsel probe.
“I don’t think there’s any threat to rule of law in America today,” Rosenstein said, citing the country’s culture and constitutional rights, when quizzed by the event’s moderator, law professor Ronald Collins.
Asked by Collins how he manages conflicts between the rule of law and a President who has mused about meddling with his own Justice Department, Rosenstein pushed back.
“There are no such conflicts,” Rosenstein said. “The Justice Department is independent of inappropriate political considerations. I think it’s important to recognize it’s not independent of the executive branch — the department has a responsibility to be in accord with the priorities of the administration, and that’s what elections are for.”
Despite his typically administrative and low-profile position, Rosenstein, a Republican, has found himself the target of ire from the President and conservative groups…..
keep standing firm Rod..
Yes on Rosenstein….
House conservatives have introduced a resolution of impeachment against Dep Atty Gen Ron Rosenstein….
The leadership of the committee that would be involved and the GOP Speaker do NOT Support the resolution…
There where also threats to impeach Atty Gen Holder while he was in office….
…On November 14, 2013, Representative Pete Olson (R-TX), along with 19 Republicans, introduced a resolution proposing Articles of Impeachment against Holder. The Articles cited Holder for his alleged role in Operation Fast and Furious, refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, failing to prosecute anyone involved in the IRS targeting of groups based on name and political theme, and for allegedly perjuring himself by stating that he had no knowledge of any potential prosecution of members of the media for disclosure of classified material.[154][155] There were 29 co-sponsors to the bill. The bill was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary Committee on November 14, 2013, however; no further action was taken.[156]…
Jeff Sessions defends his deputy Rod Rosenstein from an impeachment move by a handful of Republicans
Only 11 GOP House members signed off on going after Rosenstein….
Jim Jordan now backs away from trying kick Rom Rosenstein out or job….
The getting rid Rosenstein or Mueller thing is just about gone…..