The Speaker has lost his handle over his moderate and conservative House members face off over immigration…
In a major blow to Republican leaders and after a week full of drama and last-minute vote wrangling, the House failed to pass a farm bill Friday, with several Freedom Caucus members voting no in protest to a lack of immediate action on immigration.
The bill failed 198-213. House GOP leaders had been touting the bill as a fulfillment of their campaign promise to overhaul welfare programs. The vote also brings the GOP’s intraparty fissures further into public view. Thirty Republicans joined all Democrats in voting it down.
The measure included more stringent work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps, that — coupled with job training and assistance programs — many Republicans believed will help get people off welfare and into the workforce.
Overhauling welfare programs and reducing poverty was a key plank of House Republicans’ 2016 “A Better Way” agenda.
Passage of the farm bill was called into question throughout the week as moderates came out in opposition and conservatives withheld their support in an effort to secure a floor vote on immigration legislation. …
Here are the 30 Republican Representatives voting Nay on H.R. 2, the farm bill.
Note that it’s a mix of Freedom Caucus loyalists, such as Justin Amash of Michigan, Darrell Issa of California and Mark Meadows of North Carolina, moderate Republicans (some of them retiring) such as Ileana Rós-Lehtinen of Florida and several from New York and New Jersey (e.g,. Frank LoBiondo, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Peter King & John Katko), mixed in with a couple who can’t be easily pigeon-holed, such as Walter B. Jones, Jr, of N.C. (son of a Blue Dog Democrat who eventually crossed the aisle), who sometimes votes very conservatively and sometimes bucks his caucus to help his poorer constituents. [Speaker Ryan’s vote against his own caucus’s bill is I’m sure purely tactical, to enable him to move, if opportune, for reconsideration.]
Nay R Gosar, Paul AZ 4th
Nay R Biggs, Andy AZ 5th
Nay R McClintock, Tom CA 4th
Nay R Rohrabacher, Dana CA 48th
Nay R Issa, Darrell CA 49th
Nay R Gaetz, Matt FL 1st
Nay R Posey, Bill FL 8th
Nay R Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana FL 27th
Nay R Massie, Thomas KY 4th
Nay R Harris, Andy MD 1st
Nay R Amash, Justin MI 3rd
Nay R Upton, Fred MI 6th
Nay R LoBiondo, Frank NJ 2nd
Nay R Smith, Chris NJ 4th
Nay R Lance, Leonard NJ 7th
Nay R Frelinghuysen, Rodney NJ 11th
Nay R King, Pete NY 2nd
Nay R Katko, John NY 24th
Nay R Jones, Walter NC 3rd
Nay R Meadows, Mark NC 11th
Nay R Budd, Ted NC 13th
Nay R Jordan, Jim OH 4th
Nay R Davidson, Warren OH 8th
Nay R Perry, Scott PA 4th
Nay R Fitzpatrick, Brian PA 8th
Nay R Rothfus, Keith PA 12th
Nay R Sanford, Mark SC 1st
Nay R Duncan, John TN 2nd
Nay R Brat, Dave VA 7th
Nay R Ryan, Paul WI 1st
¶ And here are the 10 Democrats and 7 Republicans who did not vote. No Democrat voted for the farm bill.
No Vote D Boyle, Brendan PA 13th
No Vote D Brown, Anthony MD 4th
No Vote D Clay, Lacy MO 1st
No Vote D Lieu, Ted CA 33rd
No Vote D Norcross, Donald NJ 1st
No Vote D Polis, Jared CO 2nd
No Vote D Schneider, Bradley IL 10th
No Vote D Speier, Jackie CA 14th
No Vote D Tsongas, Niki MA 3rd
No Vote D Walz, Timothy MN 1st
No Vote R Buck, Ken CO 4th
No Vote R Curbelo, Carlos FL 26th
No Vote R Gohmert, Louie TX 1st
No Vote R Labrador, Raúl ID 1st
No Vote R Rogers, Hal KY 5th
No Vote R Valadao, David CA 21st
No Vote R Yoder, Kevin KS 3rd
The Conservatives, I believe, want to vote on exchanging the DACA ok for Trump’s wall and a wider use of the immigrantion enforcement money Congress voted for but put stringent limits on….So the vote against helped both factions but made Ryan look kinda hanging….
I don’t think the vote made anybody “look good.”
It made Ryan look ‘bad’….
A leader following his divergent groups is NOT a leader….
More on the push/pull between conservative Freedom Caucus members and ‘moderate’ Republicans in the House….
Several moderate House Republicans are firmly opposed to the farm bill or considering voting against it, providing leverage to conservatives who are trying to make their support contingent on securing a separate vote on an immigration bill.
New Jersey Reps. Frank LoBiondo, Christopher Smith, Leonard Lance and Rodney Frelinghuysen said they are “no” or leaning “no” on the farm bill.
“I certainly don’t like the sugar subsidies,” Lance said, noting there’s an amendment to address that but it typically doesn’t pass. He also said he has concerns about provisions on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, saying he opposes the work requirements kicking in for able-bodied adults with children age six or older….
Yes. Speaker Ryan initially voted for the farm bill, but changed his vote for procedural reasons. The final tally of the vote was not close.