Anybody surprised at this?
Now balance this number against the 70% or so supporters of Trump….
Only thirteen percent of Americans said they would consider President Trump to be honest and trustworthy, according to a new Survey Monkey tracking poll.
Trump’s honesty and trustworthiness score is down 3 points from when Survey Monkey started conducting the tracking polls in February of 2017.
Trump’s honesty and trustworthiness scores are lowest in the poll, which also measures the president’s ability to get things done, whether he is tough enough for the job and if he stands up for his beliefs.
Thirty-five percent of Americans polled said they believed Trump has the ability to get things done, while 33 percent of those polled said he was tough enough for the job.
Forty-one percent of those surveyed said Trump stands up for what he believes in. …
The polling sample is HUGE...Almost a million people….
13% CG…..
ONLY 13% !
Not exactly a scientific poll, but not too much of a surprise. A lot of people don’t care if he is honest and trustworthy, just like a lot of people in the 90s didn’t care if Bill Clinton was and a ton of people who voted for Hillary Clinton didn’t care if she was either.
They just want their stuff looked after, whatever it is.
He ain’t folloing us CG?
It appears even his supporters KNOWQ he’s Bull Shitting THEM!
And they still LIKE they guy?
Just like you and the Clintons. Proves my point. Unless you want to suggest that they are the paragons of honesty and integrity.
Rep. Lou Barletta, the newly minted GOP Senate nominee in Pennsylvania summed up how most Republicans feel about their dishinest porn star paying off, calling immigrants “animals” hero in this Politicalwire quote of the day:
“What the hell is there not to like?”
Here’s the 411 on Lou Barletta in Pa….
Who seems like a loser to some of his party….
Pennsylvania GOP worries Trump’s handpicked Senate candidate is a loser
The primaries in Pennsylvania on Tuesday were great for Democrats, who picked a team of candidates that includes seven women to run for Congress in the state with the largest all-male delegation.
But things did not go so well for Republicans. To run against incumbent Democratic Sen. Bob Casey, they picked four-term Rep. Lou Barletta — and they are already terrified he is a dud.
According to the Washington Examiner, Pennsylvania Republicans are bemoaning Barletta’s poor fundraising and the fact that he is “relying too much” on Trump.
One GOP strategist bluntly said, “The sense is, nobody knows what the fuck he’s doing. He’s not really working it hard … Lou is just like a ghost.”
And only 13% of ALL Americans do NOT think he’s bull shitting them according to the poll….
Has anybody done a poll on Laurel vs. Yanny?