Yea ….
I KNOW the recent polls how Trump doing better with Republican voters….
But NOT all of the voters, or money people who are Republicans are happy with the party leader…
And some of these people and groups, are actually crossing the line to work with Democrats…
Since Donald J. Trump began dominating American politics more than two years ago, Democrats concerned about his policies and behavior have taken solace in a group of influential Republicans who have consistently assailed the president as anathema to the values of their party, and the country more broadly.
In the past year, however, influential liberal donors and operatives have gone from cheering these so-called Never Trump Republicans to quietly working with — and even funding — them. Through invitation-only emails and private, off-the-record meetings, they have formed a loose network of cross-partisan alliances aimed at helping neutralize President Trump, and preventing others from capitalizing on weaknesses in the political system that they say he has exploited.
While this network has mostly eschewed electoral politics, some involved see the potential for it to help form an ideological — and possibly financial — platform to back candidates, including a centrist challenge to Mr. Trump in 2020, possibly from within the G.O.P. or even a third party.
The network — composed of overlapping groups led by Democrats such as the donor Rachel Pritzker and several veteran Obama administration operatives, as well as leading Never Trump Republicans like Evan McMullin, Mindy Finn and William Kristol — aims to chart a middle path between a Republican base falling in line behind Mr. Trump and a liberal resistance trying to pull the Democratic Party left.
“If you’re a Republican who is concerned about the health of the liberal order and alarmed over the destruction of the norms of American democracy, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be willing to work with a Democrat who is equally concerned about those same matters,” said Jerry Taylor, a Republican who is president of the Niskanen Center, a moderate think tank that grew out of the libertarian Cato Institute….
If you really like to give yourself a nasty scare beyond horror films, compare Donald Trump’s current 44% approval rating with the percentage gained by the Nazis (NSDAP, or National-Socialist German Workers’ Party) in free or semi-free elections under the Weimar
(The Communist Party of Germany, or KPD, was blamed for the Reichstag Fire of February 1st, 1933, but left on the 5 March 1933 ballot in order to help splinter the anti-Nazi and non-Nazi vote.)
I smell another post coming from
A PDog comment….
Any problem on this DSD?
Hitler did extremely well in the rural areas of Germany with a nationalistic message.
The sociology of Nazi and fascist support is complex, controversial and fraught with all kinds o political baggage.
How much support did the Nazis receive from industrial workers, and if the Nazis were in some sense socialist, exactly what kind ?
Ditto for small businessmen and officials (the petite bourgeoisie), intellectuals, landlords, farmers and farm labourers.
I tried reading up some secondary sources (my reading and speaking German are at best utterly rudimentary) about 40-50 years ago, so the ones I know (which have unfortunately shrunk from downsizing moves) are probably quite out of date, e.g.
Hitler’s Social Revolution: Class and status in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 by David Schoenbaum (not to be confused with the distinguished CBS & NPR reporter David Schoenbrun) — Doubleday Anchor 1967, and
The 12-year Reich: A Social History Of Nazi Germany 1933-1945 by Richard Grunberger — Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971
If you really want to get into the weeds (considering how the fundamentally anti-union Trump claims to be the workers’ champion and does draw support from many non-minority manual workers) you could look at this more recent paper (which I haven’t yet read):
Yeah they’re still around…
And getting more irrelevant by the day.
Another desperate attempt by Ames to try to “prove” that Trump doesn’t own the Republican Party.
Gee, Bill Kristol ,Evan McMullin and a few other people are “uniting” against him?Trump is really nervous I bet!