I have pointed out here several times that Democrats look back at Bill Clinton’s impeachment as a lesson on this….Their hope is that like Nixon?…Trump will bend undet the weight to the Mueller conclusions and thrown down…The actual impeachment of Bill Clinton rallied his BASE, who cared less about his actions…Democratic leaders are worried about just the same thing even though we ALL know Trump might have and his crew HAVE done things that are criminally liable…
…Today, the impeachment of Donald Trump exists on the brink of plausibility. The sine qua non of an impeachment investigation, to say nothing of actual votes to charge and remove the President, is a Democratic takeover of the House in the November elections. Such a change now looks better than possible, maybe even probable. At the same time, the President appears to be in ever-greater legal peril from dual investigations, one led by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, and the other by federal prosecutors in New York. In April, F.B.I. agents raided the offices of Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer and fixer, and removed telephones and business records. Cohen has not been charged with a crime, but the prospect of a case against him, with the chance that he might plead guilty and reveal everything he knows, represents a substantial risk for the President. In Washington, Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national-security adviser, and Rick Gates, who worked on Trump’s campaign and in his White House, have both already pleaded guilty to charges brought by Mueller and agreed to coöperate with his investigation. The full extent of Mueller’s findings is not known, raising the possibility that more legal and political damage to the President is yet to come. While Rudolph Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, may or may not be correct that Mueller believes he lacks the legal authority to indict the President, the possibility of impeachment clearly exists—if Congress has the evidence, and the will, to proceed.
Trump supporters seem to welcome a fight over the issue. “If the Democrats move for impeachment, I think they are playing right into the hands of the President,” ….
With all the above?
My feeling is that IF Donald Trump does go ahead and fire Robert Mueller , or Ron Rosenstein?
That would be a admttance of the criminalk charge of obstaructing Justice….
In NO place in this country does an accused person have the power or right to fire the Government Cop doingb the investigation…
In my mind?
Trump’s actions ALREADY lend themselves to someone who is guiltyt of sveral crimes and and is orchestrating a cover up….Trump has lied,, covered up and seeked to imtimidate the very Government he leads against doing it’s job in uncovering possible criminal actions….
What exactly is the basis for Trumps impeachment?
The charges are well known to u…..
And possible perjury after a Q&A
You can’t “charge” someone over the possibility that they might commit a crime.
This is really becoming an unhealthy obsession for you. None of us believe Donald Trump is worthy of the Presidency or should have been elected, but we simply have to accept that we do not live in a country where someone is going to get thrown out of office against the will of the electorate, and clearly the will of the electorate, at present, is against impeachment.
I wrote AFTER the Q & A….
You most certainly can after ….
The majority of voters voting did NOT pick Trump
That is besides the pint here
The fucked up FOJ rule that you cannot charge a sitting President is the dumbest thing going yet….
Yup bet your ass there will more people out there who agree that the ‘get out of jail free’ bull shit rule serves no purpose but provide cover for a unscrupulous President to operate as a criminal with immunity…
I am sure with Bill Clinton, you had no problem with the concept that a sitting President cannot be charged.
I have no issue with it. If we had the reverse situation, I think it could lead to the potential of a lot of problems. Any President can be charged with crimes committed after they leave the Presidency. If there was a far-fetched situation where a President was an immediate danger, there are Constitutional remedies present (i.e, the 25th Amendment.)
Charging any President with a crime, while they are in office, would lead to too many unopened areas and would seemingly allow for one to removed by extra-Constitutional means, which would be a fundamental problem.
But clearly it is also an argument for term-limits.
Whatever any President might do, will almost certainly not see the statute of limitations run out, and they can be held criminally responsible when they are no longer President, and their successor can make the political decision as to whether or not the country would benefit from seeing a former President on trial for their freedom.
I do NOT buy the argument that a American President is above the law like King….
Other countries do not either
The safeguard the Presidency at ALL costs didn’t envision someone like Trump
Who is “us?”
Any damn fool can reel off a list like that.
Where’s your proof?
Hell, Mueller hasn’t even issued a report yet and you’re going to impeach Trump?Thats ridiculous.
I take impeachment very seriously,unlike a cheerleader like you,and I want to see substance not an alleged “list”
My view based on what I know in public , Mueller knows TONS MORE, and Trump’s worried efforts to screw over the FBI and DOJ make me firmly believe the charges I listed would possible , even with more if it wasn’t Trump ….
Mueller HAS. Gotten convictions and people in the media talk about Trump & Co. misdeeds ….
If we where talking about a Democrat
Rhey’d Be looking to put the President in jail
They want Hillary there for much less
A man is President that might have gotten that office thru criminal means and we should all look the other way?
Tell Mueller to pack up and go home?
Not hold Trump and his people to the same standards as every other American?
Have you lost ur mind Jack?
Donald Trump shits like everyone else
If he’s guilty let Mueller present the case
If his clean he can stand in the sunlight proclaim he’s been cleared….
But shit canning his own government for his personal gain ain’t right and could be criminal….
Look the other way? No.
Vote the way you think you have to, as I will as well. This is all fundamentally a political matter that Democrats should capitalize on if they are capable of doing so.
But the fact is that not enough people believe that about him or care if it is true. As the saying goes “we get the President we deserve.”
And I (you are responding to jack again for some odd reason) am certainly not calling for Mueller to do anything but finish his job.
But the concept that anything short of his locking up Trump means that his mission was not accomplished is incorrect.
Jack has expressed the view that nothing crimanlly will happen to Trump therefore the investigation should end soon….
And yes I agree
Mueller HAS and IS doing what he was tasked to do….
Let’m finish
Anyone who suggested that Hillary’s legal fate (and of course she was a private citizen) be decided upon without the completion of an investigation and if necessary a full legal process afterwards would also be wrong.
You simply cannot call for someone to be prosecuted just because you don’t like them or have suspicions about them. Trump walks that line himself in the things that he says about others.
Since you brought up Hillary, and what she did as Secretary of State, we can admit the obvious. Had this been discovered while she was still working in the government, she would have been fired by the President of the United States, so that would have taken care of that issue.
(and you can also accept the likelihood that had she been charged as a candidate, she would almost certainly had never done time, but she would have had to end her campaign, the party would have replaced her by Biden, and Trump would have lost. In retrospect, wouldn’t that have worked out better for you guys?)
Hillary Clinton WAS investigated and found free of liabity…..
We are currently in the middle of numerous Trump investigation in which Trump has tried to intemidate the Federal Government from finishing its business….
If this was Obama?
The GOPer’s would drawing up their own indictment charges