Clinton reasures America and the world that she is NOT over he win of the popular vote to beat Donald Trump but the loss of the election by 100,000 or so vote’s….
It’s probably worst everyday she hears more about how the Russian’s and other countries backrolled and helped Trump get the win….
No, I take that back…
It’s gotta be worst to see Trump bull shit his way out of things they would have sent Clinton to moon for….
Hillary Clinton is not over it.
“Let me just get this out of the way: No, I’m not over it. I still think about the 2016 election. I still regret the mistakes I made,” the failed Democratic nominee told graduating seniors at Yale University on Sunday afternoon.
“Right now, we’re living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy,” she told 1,360 seniors. “Now there are not tanks in the streets, but what’s happening right now goes to the heart of who we are as a nation. I say this not as a Democrat who lost an election but as an American afraid of losing a country.”
— The former secretary of state opened with a cascade of jokes related to the election. “I am thrilled for all of you, even the three of you who live in Michigan and didn’t request your absentee ballots in time,” she said.
As a tradition, Yalies wear humorous and playful hats during the Class Day ceremony. Clinton brought a Russian fur hat, known as an ushanka, with a Soviet-era hammer and sickle emblem. “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” she said.
A graduate of Yale Law School herself, Clinton also mused about some of the ways students in New Haven might have coped with her loss — sprinkling in a reference to a campus watering hole. “I had my fair share of chardonnay,” she said. “You went through penny drinks at Woads.”
— President Trump seems happy to have her as a continuing foil. One reason she has not faded into the backdrop is that he continues to routinely attack her, at times as if the campaign never ended. Crowds still chant “lock her up” at his rallies. The president called her “crooked” on Twitter yesterday and said she’s the one who should be investigated.
— In her speech, Clinton declared that she was not going to get political. Then, in the very next sentence, she said the right deserves more blame for the radicalization of American politics than the left. A minute after that, she advocated for gun control….
Image….Hillary Clinton don’s a Russian military hat at her Yale 2018 appearance….CNN.Com
The big picture: The Clintons are back in the news — again
Hillary Clinton has had an on-again, off-again hiatus from the spotlight since her election loss in 2016 — and, over the past week, both she and her husband have found themselves in the full force of the media spotlight….
I know! I know! She should run for New York AG, so she can indict Trump!
He, he, he….
What a step DOWN though?