After the latest mass school shooting ….This one in Texas…
It was suggested by a Republican Lt. Governor that we should start throwing out fire code safety and lock or get rid of entrances and exits to schools and other building’s….Next they’s want to stop using fire alarms in schools?
This is stupid and just another excuse to get around limiting the availability of guns in America….
On Friday, nine students and one teacher were killed after a 17-year-old gunman opened fire at Santa Fe High School. It is the country’s 22nd school shooting for the year, which comes out to more than one per week.
Naturally, the attack sparked fresh calls for gun control, but the militantly pro-gun Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick had a different suggestion.
“We may have to look at the design of our schools moving forward, and retrofitting schools that are already built,” Patrick told reporters just hours after the shooting.
“What I mean by that is that there are too many entrances and too many exits to our over 8000 campuses in Texas.”
“There aren’t enough people to put a guard at every entrance and exit,” he added. “Maybe we need to look at limiting the entrances and exits into schools, so that we can have law enforcement looking at the people who come in.”
“We’re gonna have to be creative. We’re gonna have to think out of the box.”
For those of you playing at home, you can now add “getting ridding of doors” along with “giving teachers guns” and “arming students with rocks” to the list of things gutless politicians would rather do than risk pissing off the NRA….
Right wing kookiness.
Yes indeed….
This wasn’t just some city Councilman who said this. It was the Lt. Governor of a large state. Incredible!
Along with proping Trump up?
Republicans seem to be losing their minds….
Yet,if this same person were to announce that he supported relief for the “ dreamers?”
You would immediately label him a “ moderate.”
He, he, he
I have pundit company in mentioning the GOP ‘moderstes’…..