“After months of confidence that public discontent with President Trump would lift Democrats back to power in Congress, some party leaders are fretting that their advantages in this year’s midterms are eroding amid a shifting political landscape,” the Washington Post reports.
“Driving their concerns are Trump’s approval rating, which has ticked upward in recent weeks, and high Republican turnout in some recent primaries, suggesting the GOP base remains energized. What’s more, Republicans stand to benefit politically from a thriving economy and are choosing formidable candidates to take on vulnerable Democratic senators.”
One of the two Wash Post reporter’s who did this piece , Seung Min Kim, pointed to the US Senate election’s during an appearance on CNN during John King’s show…
According to an off the wall PPP Poll
41% of Trump voters believe that it was “immoral “ for Trum to have had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels, while 33% say it wasn’t .
Meanwhile , 46% believe it would be “immoral for Bill Clinton to do so.
Apparently, to them , the “morality” of the act depends on who is doing the act.
Who being what American political party?
I actually recall a Republican that I know voting for Clinton BECAUSE He had an affair. My friend (at the time) said the affair showed he was a man!
If I remember correctly ?
Some Republicans had their private business come to the attention of the media…
It turned out to be VERY EMBARRASING
52 Palestinians dead. 2400 inured. Not sure if any Israelis seriously injured, but what about that poll that showed Tump voters are slightly less willing to forgive Clinton than Trump?
Perhaps Jack can remember his own behavior the next time he posts about misguided Republican priorities.
Who gives a damn about me?
However,I will concede that in my more amorous heyday ( a scant thirty or so years ago),I was never in these boys lecherous class!
Not U Jack!
Well there is only about six of us here, she it is hard not to notice what we write about or on what issues we look the ither way. So yes, I am personally challenging you – and Scott too.
Liberals have been silent for too long about Israel’s disproportionate response to violence. Imagine if the military killed 52 in the US and wounded 2400 with tear gas or bullets.
I encourage the readers here to research in their own about the incredible poverty in Gaza that is largely attributed to the blockade. And so thousands (a deliberate underestimate on my part) of Palestinians have nothing to live for except for the lives of their friends and family.
I leave with a final thought that I genuinely believe in. The opposite of war is not peace. It is justice.
I agree with your comments Jack on the everlasting conflict between Israel and the Palestinians….
Just as the double standard applies in American politics?
It applies in that situation….
I’ve felt for a long time that the parties actually do NOT want a peace compromise….That the politics of confretation serve their political situations on the group….
It is so sad and wasteful….
As for Trump?
He just doesn’t give a shit about politics….
It why he engineered a win from a loss and why he seems to be clueless about how to deal with most other things…
As far as I can see, the in my view, deplorable comments on the issue came from Zreebs, not from jack. So, that is not something that should be mislabeled, james,
Charlie Cook joins the movement to hedge their bets on the concept of a Novemebr ‘blue wave ‘ election….But Cook uses the word ‘glimmer’ of hope for the GOPer’s
Charlie Cook: “Over the past 90 days, the president’s approval ratings have ticked up to the low-to-mid 40s—still extremely low for elected incumbent presidents in their second year in office, but certainly better from where they had been… In the generic-ballot test, the GOP is now typically behind by mid-to-high single digits. As with Trump’s approval rating, Republicans are still in an alarming position on that front, but better than they were.”
“One thing to remember about midterm elections is that roughly a third fewer people vote in them than in presidential elections. The people who disproportionately participate in midterms are people who, as my mother used to say, “have their noses out of joint”—in this case angry, fearful, or merely unhappy. Republicans should be quite sure that those who dislike or disapprove of Trump will turn out in big numbers.”
Nothing deplorable about Zreebs’ comments, in my opinion.
As a half-Jew whose immigrant grandparents and great-aunt lost many close relatives to the Holocaust in Poland, I consider there to be one inescapable categorical moral imperative on every Jew or Jewess, no matter how secularized or removed from the Jewish community — never, ever to let anyone else, Jewish or Gentile, be treated the way that Jews have been treated over the centuries.
And that applies to Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druse and Samaritans as to anyone else, no matter who is ruling over them, Turk, Jew or Crusader.
The comments were deplorable, and one should not have to be a Jew (which is actually a religion and not just an ethnic background) to feel that way.
All war is tragic and sad. In my view it is far less tragic and sad for terrorists to be killed, many of whom would happily die as suicide bombers anyway, before they can take a tenfold larger number of innocent Jews with them to act upon their sick religious hatred and fanaticism.
I’m sure it makes CG feel better to call all of those people the Israelis killed or injured terrorists, but if those Palestinians that the Israelis killed wanted to kill Jews, attending a protest is not even a remotely effective way to do it.
A protest? Now, you sound exactly like Trump and his “good people on both sides” b.s. about the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville.
If Israel were killing everyone at the “protest” the death toll would be much, much higher.
They are killing those who are lobbing bombs across the border or tires set on fire or who were trying to tear down the security border or who were throwing rocks at police, etc. That tends to happen anywhere a violent mob attempts to overpower law enforcement. Law enforcement fights back, as they should.
Now, Hamas sent people to “protest” telling them falsely that Israel would not be guarding these particular areas. So, they bear great responsibility. These are the people who love the concept of human shields. They want Palestinians to be killed because they believe in a culture of death and “martyrdom” and because they know they can dupe people around the world like you into thinking Israel is the aggressor.
I guarantee you Zreebs Sharpton-Buchanan, that the Israeli soldiers who had to kill these Muslims feel worse about it than Hamas does for those killed, and unlike them, want to see a society where such violence never occurs.
….Had to kill’?
The NYPD and other major city police departs handle mas demo’s and NOBODY gets killed…..
As Jack pointed out I believe…
This has been an overreaction hardline throwdown by the Israeli’s and they are taking a beatdown in world opinion today….
Trump has their back in the UN though ….
NOBODY wins in this….
And NOBODY is without blame….
But I and others feel that Isreal COULD handle things with less of a ‘iron fist’….
If enough people are throwing bombs and trying to start fires and are deliberately promising to kidnap and murder people based solely on religion in the United States, and there are armed clashes with law enforcement, people will get killed here too, and in any other country.
What did America do to leave the British and create THIS country?
This is the second time today you have attributed things to me that I didn’t say.
Please stop.
Well if u are talking to me Jack
Just say it wasn’t u
Happen’s all the time here people don’t recal things right
Happens to me all the time
I just offer rebuttals
jack, I am starting to think for the first time that maybe the Dog is “obsessed” with you.
Oh yes he is.
He claims that I say things,often when I’m not even around as happened earlier today.
My favorite is when he “replies” to me when I haven’t even posted anything.
I haven’t addressed you at all today,yet you have claimed that I made two statements that I most definitely didn’t make.
I have no idea what you’re even talking about ,nor do I understand why you feel the need to attribute words to me that I didn’t write.
What exactly are you “challenging” me about?
You like call Republicans racists, yet it could easily be interpreted that you seem indifferent to Israeli atrocities on the Palestinians. For a person who cries racism as often as you do, this is puzzling to me that thousands of people are killed or injured protesting, but you don’t voice a word of concern.
It’s an interesting concept that fighting Hamas in self-defense is “racist.”
Is Hamas not “racist?”
Hamas and Israel have NOTHING to do about race and everything to do about local politics….
The fight plays to both groups bases and helps both parties leaders…
All politics is “local” in the sense of Israel is tired of seeing its people get blown up at markets, and in restaurants, and in schools, and in homes. They are trying to keep those innocent people alive.
Tell me james, do you not go to great lengths in your authority over this site to police it to keep one individual Texan out because you do not want him to do what you know he would do here?
Since you do that, you ought to be far more understanding of the things that Israel has to do in the name of self-defense and security.
Hamas and the Arabs i’m sure would say just what say about the Isreali’s?
Hamas would say as they have been saying for decades… Israel needs to be destroyed and every Jew on Earth needs to be killed.
This is their official policy. They teach it to kids in the schools. They have tv shows in which Sesame Street like knock-off Muppets say it and act it out.
The moral equivalency between Hamas and Israel always needs to be recognized as the dangerous canard that it is.
That’s simplistic beyond belief.
You frequently don’t post on everything that occurs here or in the world too so don’t play that card with me.
You seem to have lost all perspective here.just because I don’t specifically comment on something doesn’t mean I’m “indifferent” to it.
Any killing is a horrible thing and it is quite outrageous that just because I ,or anyone else ,chooses not to specifically comment on it means one is “indifferent.”
The Palestinian/Israeli conflict is one of,if not, the most complicated matters in the world today .
Where have you been?Until yesterday I don’t recall you ever even raising this issue.Thousands have been killed in that area of the world for years.Condemnations flow.
It is a very difficult situation and easy solutions there aren’t.
What do you propose?
I’ve mentioned it before, although lately more frequently than before. For example, you don’t recall my derogatory comments about “NutandYahoo”? Maybe you can start with criticizing Israel for killing all of those people and injuring thousands instead of just saying “it is a difficult situation”.
Unlike you, I don’t complain about Republicans being racist all of the time. You wouldn’t be silent if 52 blacks were massacred and a couple more thousands were injured – and of course you shouldn’t be. And you wouldn’t give the “difficult situation” excuse, and if someone did, you would likely call them out.
If you want to call me out for saying something or failing to say something, you have the right to challenge me. And I should have the right to challenge you. I’ll check back later tonight.
Zreebs, why are you “silent” when Muslim terrorists kill people?
Because no one I know supports Muslim terrorists.
Of course not but when you are disproportionately bent out of shape about Muslim terrorists being killed by the people they also wanted to kill and you say that there should not be “peace” without “justice” it raises some interesting questions about perspective, that’s all.
and another person on here today made today what sounded like some sort of veiled comparison between Muslim terrorists and colonialists during the American Revolution.
I pointed out that people , the ones that lived in this country , used whatever means they could to get rid of the English….
Damn Teal….
Could the British have thought of the Americans as terrorist?
Why Not?
Simple. Because I know of no one who supports Muslim terrorists. There is nothing to gain from that when everyone already is in agreement. But of course I oppose Muslim terrorists.
Zreebs, I believe that you oppose Muslim terrorists in theory, but it is hard to reconcile that with the fact that you are blaming Israel for killing Muslim terrorists who have pledged allegiance to Hamas.
If Israel did not fire back at them over the past couple of days after giving them ample warning as to what would happen, and just let them into the country, those Muslims would be dead soon enough all the same, from suicide attacks, but they would take innocent men, women, and children with them, including many other Muslims, as collateral damage.
Is that somehow less tragic?
So the many thousands of people who protested all wanted to kill Jews? If that were true, there would be a lot more Jews killed on a daily basis.
Yes, almost all of them. Just like almost all of the people in Charlottesville were revolting racists. The stuff about “statues” was a fabricated canard made up after the fact.
The protests are related to a specific day that is completely unrelated to the Embassy event. It was declared 20 years ago by Arafat (whom you made some good points about) and there is also a 50th anniversary component with the reunification of Jerusalem and the 70th anniversary of Israel itself. So, this was a big milestone for people who are committed to the destruction of Israel.
Thanks to the Israeli military, including what has happened over the past couple days, there will be a lot less Jews killed. I think that is a good thing.
War is terrible. War is ugly. We all know that. What is going on there is a war. This happened to be the most large scale battle since 2014, but this has happened before and sadly will likely happen again. Hamas and its supporters have declared it on the existence of Israel and all Jews.
Take their word for it. They want war. They want death. You can see what their textbooks for schoolchildren teach. You can see what the children there will recite to cameras. As I mentioned, you can see what their version of Sesame Street teaches children about how they must kill Jews.
I guarantee you that the Jews there do not want to kill Muslims and hate these extremists mostly for the fact that they are left with no choice. There is no moral equivalency.
Judaism (and Christianity) honors Life. A segment of the Muslim world has hijacked governments to value death. They do their biggest disservice against the millions of Muslims worldwide who want peace and to value life and who deserve better.
Let’s look at the facts (and medical supplies are allowed)
We can all agree this is horrible for the innocent people in Gaza who are victims by the Hamas government they live under. If Hamas were to recognize Israel and agree to stop terrorism, the issue of a blockade would of course be non-existent.
So, who should the onus be on?
If people genuinely want to kill someone, I suspect it is relatively easy to do. Almost no one does it though, but lots of people will show up at protests. I don’t know if any of the Palestinians killed would have eventually killed an Israeli, but I’m pretty sure that some family members of dead Palestinians are now vowing to their grieving families that they will do so.
With regard to Hamas, I actually strongly agree with you that Hamas is not serving the Palestinian people well. And part of the reason that Hamas is so entrenched is because Netanyahu is entrenched. Just as part of the reason that Netanyahu is entrenched is because Hamas is entrenched.
Netanyahu is subject to free and fair elections. He was voted out of power before and the last time, many thought he would lose, but he did not. He has other domestic concerns as well, so he is not going to be around forever, but whichever leader or party in Israel comes next is going to have the same self-defense policy.
And once again, whether we have spent our whole lives in America or somewhere else, we should be able to recognize there is a vast difference from a “protest” and violently trying to tear down security barriers or lob bombs or other munitions at people.
Had these “protests” occurred against an Arab government (or a place like Iran), the military there would have been far less restrained and far less surgical in their firing back than Israel was.
Let’s put this in perspective. Sixteen Jews (if I counted correctly from the Israeli source below) were killed all of last year. Something like 40,000 Palestinians protested, but all of those protestors were terrorists who wanted to kill Jews? You are either nuts or deliberately lying to demonize the Palestinians.
The Israeli government response was to the violence was exceedingly disproportionate to the violence. Regarding your last sentence – yes authoritarian governments do these things.
Five Americans were killed in the Boston massacre. The colonists were throwing rocks at the British, but the difference (other than the scale of the magnitude) was rhat the British were not authorized to fire on the crowds.
History tends to repeat itself …..
You insist own making this some kind of racial thing.
It’s not.Im quite frankly surprised that you are continuing with this .
For some reason you are insisting that just Israel be condemned here and are upset that I refuse to to do so.
There is a whole lot of history here and a whole lot of actions that have been taken on both sides that is worthy of disapproval.
You seem to want to blithely ignore all that has happened in that area of the world and concentrate only on this particular occurrence.
I condemn the loss of life on both sides.However, if you want to uh “call me out” for refusing to issue a blanket condemnation of Israel then you’ve done so.
So I guess the answer to my question is that you have no solution other than your “condemnation .”
Good for you.
The small amount of people who post here should comment for themselves of course without others trying to assert thoughts or motivations to them, but this does go along with what I was talking about last week as it related to some left-wing churches such as the UCC, which issues condemnation and condemnation denouncing Israel and blaming Israel for every problem in the region, but has never once offered any condemnation or statement against Hamas, Iran, or anyone else.
They are purely obsessed with denouncing Israel and we are seeing that in individual form here these past two from someone.
I’m over on HHR, trying to goad NYC to comment on here (at least occasionally… and I also think he is reading the comments today here) but seems a little scared. What else can I do? I tried.
No shit?
Push back is good for the mind!
But you might be right CG
RepubliCAN , Mania and Daniel all ain’t commenting here anymore….
james, you also have to accept the fact that the way you have made the site worse (and yes, we know you have “busted your hump” in trying to preserve it) and your stubborn refusal to do anything about it has made it harder to comment here, so there is enough blame to go around.
The people left? One by one, we will eventually stop too. It’s just human nature.
I don’t post nearly as much as I used to.
N0thing personal to anyone here but spending hours here as I once did was way too much.
Sometimes I only drop by for a few minutes,other times I might engage in an extended conversation.
James has commented that he spends a lot of money to keep this site going.Personally, I wouldn’t do that ,but it’s his money.
To be frank guys…..
I have also tried to cut back my time with the site….
When I started I was spending hours and hours …..
The place was busting all sorts records in hits….
But as it got busier?
The ‘bots! And spammers showed up….
That and there was Obama to drive traffic….
We all know the result of the shutdown overloads…..
I’m happy to do my posting now….
The traffic is slowly picking up….
And yea….
Things change….
People move on…..
I’ve thanked everyone that comes here for their presence at this place many times
What nonsense! I haven’t blamed Israel for every problem in the region. I said very recently that I don’t support governments that are Islamic states and that is what the government of Iran is.
I think that the Palestinians should have made a deal with Israel a long time ago. A fair deal was on the table, but Arafat was a coward and the Palestinian people suffered because of him. Now the long term prospects for peace seem very, very slim.
I do think that Gaza is a tinderbox with extreme poverty in that region. Those people have little to live for, and that is never a good situation when the same people are treated the way Israel treats them.
“I condemn the loss of life on both sides.” Brilliant!
Was there any loss of life on the Israeli side? Last I read, only Palestinians were killed or seriously injured.
Do you support the blockade that has prevented Gaza from obtaining medical supplies?
because no Israeli Jew has ever been murdered by a terrorist? Really Zreebs? It is clear what he was saying.
If this is going to be the civil war within the Democrat Party where people are going to be shaming each other into denouncing Israel, and virtue signaling like that then you are going to see a lot more Jews become Republicans, regardless of what a horrible SOB Trump is. But I guess this is an internal matter among Democrats.
And this “medical supply” thing sounds pretty unsubstantiated too. It’s the Palestinians who are open about refusing to accept Jewish supplies, or blood transfusions, or medical attention by Jews.
That’s statistical noise, but do they mean if Bill Clinton were to do so now?
Knowing she already slept with Trump? It might make sense.
And maybe people care more about any damage done to Hillary than they care about Milania, since Hillary has had to suffer publicly so many times and has written about it in books, etc, insisting that they never had any sort of understanding about those things.
For all we know, Melania doesn’t care as long as the money isn’t gone.
Or they could think that if their hero does it ,well ,that’s ok.
But anyone Else?Particularly the villainous Clinton?
Hell no it ain’t alright!
Or maybe a lot of Republicans never gave a shit about “morality” in the first place.
I’m with THAT Scott….
After their various verbal gymnastics to justify the doings of Donald Trump,their “morality” lectures of the future will ring hollow indeed.
Remember when Republicans used to use “morality” as a defining issue?
Who can forget the “Moral Majority” Of Jerry Falwell.Now?His son is telling everyone that Donald Trump was “sent by God.”Its like some surreal circus.
The bottom line is Trump is ‘THEIR’ guy….
Everything else follows…
Anyway, the Republicans have used their Blame-the-Victim jujitsu on Mrs Clinton — not that she was wronged (and thus might deserve sympathy), but that loyalty to her husband “enabled” him to continue being a predator against other women.
Normally, of course, the average super-traditional Family Values Republican would admire someone who Stood By Her Man (or, in the reverse case, Stood By His Woman), but in this singular (“Lock Her Up!”) case, they’ve switched to Sisterhood-Is-Powerful, Stand by your Sisters, feminist rhetoric.
Let the record reflect that I am and always have been morally opposed to adultery in the strongest possible way.
The C in CG stands for Consistent.
Self deprecating humor?