It’s 2018 folks…
Does this woman want to sit on a Federal bench with the view that segration is LEGAL?
How can Senators confirm such a person for a Federal judgeship?
During her Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday, Wendy Vitter, one of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees, refused to answer a Democratic senator’s questions about whether the landmark Brown v. the Board of Education Supreme Court ruling was correctly decided.
The seminal SCOTUS decision desegregated schools and changed the landscape of education in the United States with its 1954 ruling that state laws allowing “separate-but-equal” schools violated the Constitution.
When Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) on Wednesday asked whether the ruling was “correctly decided,” Vitter — who was nominated for a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana — dodged the question, saying she didn’t want to comment on any specific rulings. She claimed commenting would open up the door for critiques of her impartiality…..
I haven’t read all of the voluminous (but unanimous) decision in Brown vs Board of Education (1954), which relies heavily on Gunnar Myrdal’s book, An American Dilemma (which I also haven’t read), but I have seen experts who are not necessarily states’ righters or pro-segregation question the soundness of the Supreme Court’s reasoning in this case. I.e., right result but wrong route to it. Jack might have studied this in law school and know more.
It should be added that many people have also questioned the reasoning behind the case that Brown v. Board overturned, Plessy vs Ferguson (1896), which established the 14th Amendment rationale for “separate but equal”, basically ever since the day it was first issued.
I never had to read Brown in law school though I have read excerpts from it.
I know there was criticism of its use of the psychological damage arguments of Kenneth Clark as to being an inappropriate basis for a judicial decision and the use of the Fourteenth Amendment which for years had sanctioned segregated schools.
Many American conservatives while agreeing with the result found the decision itself as “bum law,” a frequent criticism by William F Buckley.
I’m amazed though that a federaljudicial candidate in 2018 would be dumb enough to allow themselves that get caught up in something like this.
Her answer was stupid …..
Whoever coached her, if she was coached?
Made a mistake
To dance means no to everyone
Saying your view doesn’t predict future rulings