Donald Trump HAS been mounting a 2020 re-election effort from the second he took the oath to be President….
He has begun to staff up and is raising money….
There isn’t ANYONE I have talked to that belives he will get a second term…
Most actaully are with me in thinking he won’t be in office come November 2020….
The betting odds are 2 to 1 by the bookies….
The guys approval numbers have essential stayed at around 40%…..(That is 60% of Americans do NOT approve of his time in office, and among the 40%….A LOT say they even they don’t like his style of doing things!)
Why would anyone running in 2018 (except for those in REALLY HEAVY Red States) even mention Trump’s name right now?
A wide array of House and Senate Republicans are not yet ready to endorse President Donald Trump’s bid for a second term, a reflection of the deep uncertainty on Capitol Hill over his political standing amid growing problems at home and abroad.
It’s both suicide within the GOP and unwise when Administration support might be needed for something for a Republican politician to oppose the President right now.
But it’s also giving hostages to a fickle Fortune to risk positively endorsing Trump-Pence’20.
Few oppose him….
But few are willing to endorse let alone even mention him for 2020….And again?
He is only a campign help for GOPer’s in ‘safe’ districts….
And THAT number is dropping by minute….
No such reluctance inSC..Sen Lindsay Graham and Gov. Henry McMaster both endorsed Trumps re-election today.
As I pointed out a ‘safe’ Red State
Red state,blue state…
If you’re in a Republican primary?
You’re certainly not going to be opposing Donald Trump that’s for sure.
In a Blue state ?
You don’t want to promo Trump too much
After a primary ?
You have a election….
To get to the election you have to win the primary.
You badmouth DonaldTrump?You aren’t going to win a Republican primary.
No matter how much you try to downplay it, Trump remains overwhelmingly popular among rank and file Republicans.
I agree with THAT Jack….
No issue at all….
Been saying that here…
FWIW, the two winners of contested statewide Illinois Republican primaries last month, (narrowly for an incumbent Governor and easily for an African-American female Attorney General candidate) never mentioned Donald Trump and are not believed to have voted for him in the 2016 general elections.
There have been several instances in primaries since the 2016 election where Republicans who attempted to take a more even-handed or hands off approach to Trump won over those who ran as mere cheerleaders of his, and of course, we will get to see a whole lot more test cases in the 2018 primaries.
Adding that in Illinois last month, “Never Trump” Congressman Adam Kinzinger easily turned back a challenge from a pro-Trump conservative challenger, in what is a district that Trump easily won.
In a Democrat leaning district right near me, but one that has a history of supporting moderate Republicans, two “Never Trump” Congressional candidates split the vote and allowed a more pro-Trump candidate to be nominated.
There are exceptions to every rule.
And Scott IS correct on the exceptions to every rule….
I doubt that even CG would contend that nationwide many Republicans will win Republican primaries openly opposing Trump.
Thanks CG…..
He, he, he…
Jack is gonna be annoyed at us….
Why would Jack be annoyed?
Pretty weak tea examples our friend Corey provided as to so called “successes” by “Never Trumpers” in the primaries up to this point.
Adam Kinzinger, in a very safe downstate district, is far from a never Trumper since he has voted with his President, the Republican President, 98% of the time since der Donald has been in office.
He supports the President, just like 95% of all of his House colleagues. How is that an example of a success for “Never Trumpers?” Oh, he said this, and he said that, but he always votes with the Orange Puss Bag.
As far as statewide elections are concerned, it is important to note that in very blue Illinois none of the recent statewide Republican nominees will be successful. But, if I were a Republican candidate for Attorney General in Illinois I would be very reluctant to mention the President at all. That would be pre-general election suicide, and the easy way out was to say nothing at all. But, given the problems the Trump Administration is creating in Illinois with issues of the environment, civil rights, and fair labor practices, I would never mention the President either. That doesn’t mean that those candidates are anti-Trump or that Trump is toxic with Republicans in Illinois, it simply means that like Corey they are in the minority and know that they cannot risk alienating independents and Democrats by praising Trump. The fact that they may, or may not have, voted for Trump is meaningless. Trump is the face of the Republican Party, and they are stuck with him. But their silence may help them win cross over votes, something they will desperately need in November.
As far as the Governor’s race is concerned I find Corey’s comments particularly amusing. His Governor just got himself a challenge from the right as a former Republican State Senator has announced his challenge to Rauner from as the real conservative.
Now, if this guy gets on the ballot he will put the final nails in Rauner’s coffin, no matter how much money he spends. And, I predict that this third party will do additional damage to the ever shrinking Republican Party in Illinois.
No, these aren’t examples of any type of success for those who still profess to oppose Trump within the Republican Party, they are simply examples of a Party in turmoil.
Finally, nothing that has been said here changes the fact that Trump is in complete control of the Republican Party.
If Adam Kinzinger is such a Never Trumper, let him be the first to call for impeachment.
Don’t hold your breath.
I would and have continued to challenge the view that he is in COMPLETE control of the GOP….
He has roughly 70% of the supporters of the party in polling….
He gets lawmakers SAYING they agree with him ….
But I have listed several instances where Republican lawmakers have gone their OWN WAY….
We have TONS of quotes form Republican lawmakers who have doubts about their party leader….
Yeah why would I be “annoyed?”
Humorously,you agreed with my earlier comments(see your post@7:00 pm).
Must be some more 0f that “more than one thing” horse dung.Exactly how many “things” are you anyway?
Keith nailed it of course and you of course continue to obfuscate and lie about your previous comments.Your so called “challenge”is rubbish.Lawmakers of a Presidents Party often vote against him from time to time.Thats nothing new.That proves nothing.Even Jeff Flake one of Trumps most prominent critics within the GOP just the other day specifically said that the party was now Trumps party.
But what does he know compared to a guy like you who ,uh, “knows his stuff?”
Challenge away James, this is simply another example of you making a silly comment, one generated by your constant need to comment on anything written here, and then not being able to admit you are wrong.
Until the Republicans in Congress oppose Trump, in numbers to generate a legislative defeat for the President, they support Trump. Period.
All the talk in the world cannot change the fact over 80% of the Republican rank & file support this bag of shit. In fact, his numbers have gone up because that rank & file is closing ranks around him.
I know this upsets our favorite Republican here, but it’s true.
So, find someone who said something negative about Trump and celebrate James. It doesn’t change the fact that the GOP is the Party of Trump. It always has been since it became overpopulated with fat old white men.
In fact I have listed SEVERAL time the GOP LAWMAKERS have gone their OWN way….
But people just skip over that….
It’s the way it is I guess…
Perceptions ….