The media has been running stories all weekend about the annual WHCD and how the guest comedian made fun of Trump & Co.….
Some have even followed (thin skinned) Donald Trump suggestion that the event should be cancelled…
I doubt THAT will happen….
To some of us with common sense….
We get it…
The event is actually FOR the media.…
It’s THEIR show…Not the politicians
You know that same people that have been running around for the past 14 months fact checking an American President who has little use for the truth and lives in an Alternate Universe…
What do people expect?
If the women that ends up getting in front of those people who she has to bull shit everyday thinks she’s gonna get good treatment at this even?
She and others are crazy…..
Back in 2011 one Donald J. Trump made an appearance at the event….
If my memory serves me right ?
President Barack H. Obama, who had been made fun off , like any and all ‘big willy’ national politicians, spend some time making fun of Trump (the guy who was telling people Obama wasn’t born in America, right?) to the crowds pleasure….
Knowing Trump as we do now?
That HAD to burn his ass….
One could suppose that during the moments Trump and Obama where together in the White House send off for Obama?….Trump was smiling to himself and saying ‘I got even?’
If you spend 2 years knocking people who get paid to try to INFORM people about things you don’t want them to?
Yea, you’d not want show up at their party….
And yea, If you are Donald Trump, and you’re trying to get America to change itself to fit your minds eye of things?
You’d defiantly want all those people to either follow your lead?
Or ….
Go away….
You know like they do in places that leaders get their jobs for life……
image of Michelle Wolf and Sarah Sanders…
Much ado about nothing.
I agree Jack, very much like the faux outrage over Al Franken’s stupid picture and the Kevlar vest.
I did like her comments to the press, that they helped create Donald Trump and now act like that never happened. She also called out the lack of action over Flint.
All weekend I have read outraged comments from Trump snowflakes on how this woman was vulgar. Amazing really.
I saw this on Facebook
“Imagine endorsing Roy Moore
And then getting offended by jokes”
Yeah that says it all.