Donald Trump and his Republican lawmaking cohorts swore that Americans would rejoice at the tax cuts they where gonna get!….
It would be the Republican selling point!….
The tax cut law that they have rammed thru in the waining hours of last year isn’t a tax cut for us average Americans….
Along with myself?….Others see NO difference in our paychecks…
I still will owe money to the IRS for last years taxes….
But I have seen stories about big business like Amazon doesn’t pay any taxes in the first place and will pay even less this year…
Most GOPer’s running on the tax cut/giveaway are gonna lose votes….
And then there is a budget that seems to be a example of runaway spending of the my tax dollor’s to read about….
Moments after the Republican tax overhaul passed in the Senate in mid-December, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that if he and his party members couldn’t sell the cuts to the American people, they should find “another line of work.”
“If they can’t run on tax cuts in a district Trump won by 20 [points] and win, where can they run on tax cuts and win?” said David Wasserman, House editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report….
Democrats in Obama’s first Congress (2009-11) thought the expected popularity of the ACA (Obamacare) would carry them through the 2010 midterm elections. They were wrong and lost control of the House.
(Ironically, 2018 may be the first year that the Affordable Care Act proves a net gain for Democrats and a net loss for the GOP, after the Republicans showed in 2017 that they really had no plan to replace ACA with something better.)
Same thing may happen to overconfident Republicans this year.
I’m not sure, however, about the effects of Medicare Part D, a very partial fix for seniors who can’t afford their medications. This was passed or steamrollered in an unseemly rush in time for the 2004 election, which George W. Bush won with an absolute (though small) majority of the popular vote.
It’s looking more and more like 2010 for the Democrats
I’ve been raising the parallels to 2010 for a while now. Not all of the outcomes of that would be good, beyond the equivalent that you might lose an attempt to deny a President a second term,