My regular here Jack is at odds with my feeling that Donald Trump COULD very well walk away from the Office of the Presidency BEFORE November 2020…..
I say walk away because of a couple of things….
Like a branch of a tree?
Donald J. Trump is in a wind storm…..
From day one of his time in the nation’s White House he has had the winds swirling around him….
Unlike a tree though?
He IS responsible for most of the disruptions ….
As it stands right now?
He has several women in court asking judges to help them get even more money from his sleeping with them….Most while he was married….
He has Republican lawmakers going their own way in legislation….
He has the media knocking just about everything he says….
His ineptitude and inability to tell the truth constantly showcased….
He has a seesaw approval rating with the general public that is hovering around 40%, which is lower than any modern day President…
He has a Special Prosecutor getting convictions of wrong doing from an increasing number of people who have supported him during his campaign….
His long time employee’s have either quit or are being investigated by the FBI…
His personal lawyer and bag man is gonna get indicted….
The Special Prosecutor IS saying that he will string out reports of misdeeds and the trail of Russian help given to him to win his Presidency , something he does NOT want to admit…
The chance of him being charged with a crime is remote…
But come January?
Democrats ARE gonna most likely be running the US House…
That is gonna stop things dead in it tracks for Trump and the Republicans who have no love for the guy…But are afraid of his Republican supporters…
Now Democratic lawmaker leaders DO NOT want to move to impeachment hearings….
One would suppose that they have images of one Bill Clinton who got impeached….
But that very action actually helped get re-elected and become stronger politically….
In addition?
The numbers in the US Senate point to no conviction unless Mueller’s report shows that Trump HIMSELF committed treason….
In my mind?
Democrats and others want Donald J. Trump to bend like a branch…..
And then break….
They want the weight of ALL other above plus Mueller revelations of criminal level money stuff to make things SO heavy on the guy that he just goes away….
That even if he didn’t?
His own party members would primary him out of the job like Jerry Ford…..
My question is?
Does ANYBODY out there thing Donald Trump can weather the storm and get re-elected?
Ok Jack….
I put it out to everybody…..
My best guess is that Donald Trump will remain President until Inauguration Day 2021, but no longer than that.
For everyone’s information, today (Saturday 14 April 2018) is:
522 days, or 74 weeks & 4 day(s) since Election Day, 2016
449 days, or 64 weeks & 1 day(s) since Inauguration Day, 2017
206 days, or 29 weeks & 3 day(s) until Election Day, 2018
264 days, or 37 weeks & 5 day(s) until the 116th Congress sits
934 days, or 133 weeks & 3 day(s) until Election Day, 2020
1,012 days, or 144 weeks & 4 day(s) until Inauguration Day, 2021
Could be a lot of suffering….
Pretty much what I said last night.
Then I was “treated” to a barrage of almost indecipherable verbiage ,the sum of which is that James has concluded that the egomaniac will simply quit.
Knowing James generally obsequious behavior as regards DSD I doubt if he will be subjected to the “ searching inquiry” that I was.
Obsessed much,James?
James, this ones for you…
Adam Davidson @The New Yorker says we are at the end stages of the Trump Presidency.
Did you read the piece Jack?
Yes…you can check it out over @Political Wire.
I read the whole thing over at The New Yorker…..
Made me smile….
Davidson says what I have been saying for a while….
I’m doing the post right now….
My best guess is that Trump will be impeached before 2020 and he will not be the GOP nominee in 2020.