Ryan will finish his term.…
The early rumors seem to be true….
With Democrats expected to control the House in January?
The Congressman from Wisconsin has been telling people he will leave Congress…
House Speaker Paul Ryan has told confidants that he will announce soon that he won’t run for reelection in November, according to sources with knowledge of the conversations.
Why it matters: House Republicans were already in a very tough spot for the midterms, with many endangered members and the good chance that Democrats could win the majority.
Retiring to spend more time with his P90X and Ayn Rand fan fiction.
Adios spineless!
Actually a smart move….
Between Trump and the rightwingnuts?
WTF would want that job?
Boehner has to be smiling…
The poor Koch brothers will have to buy themselves another Republican.
They have enough money
..this comment is fine…
…..but doesn’t acknowledge that Trump IS the leader of the party and President..and THAT COUNTS OVER THE Speaker of the House…Ryan is well aware onf trump numbers among GOPer’s…..In fact Ryan is reported to have spent a LOT of time walking shit back from TRUMP….
Ron Brownstein: “Paul Ryan, who once aspired to advance the vision of conservative icon Jack Kemp, will leave Washington carrying a more tarnished legacy—as the most important enabler of Donald Trump.”
“No one in the GOP was better equipped, by position and disposition alike, to resist Trump’s racially infused, insular nationalism, or to define a more inclusive competing vision for the party. Instead, Ryan chose to tolerate both Trump’s personal excesses and his racially polarizing words and deeds as the price worth paying to advance Ryan’s own top priorities….
While that is true pretty much any Republican would have enabled Trump to the same degree that Ryan did. His spinelessness was not exactly an outlier in his party.
Yup Scott
He IS the head of the party
Ryan is not
Ryan never wanted the job in the first place
Who says?Ryan?
James I’m disappointed.Arent you the “people can be more more than one thing”man?
See part of Ryan wanted to be Speaker and part didn’t
You can’t make these black and white statements.
More than one thing!
You read the part about Ryan NOT believing Trump is a REAL Conservative Jack?
Yeah so?
He doesn’t publicly describe him that way.
Once again, more than one thing James, more than one thing…
Get your psychobabble straight!
Everybody is more than one thing
Well since we all are , what is your “point” in using that psychbabble to explain everything?
I mean it’s as self evident as all humans having ears right?
But don’t always listen as us married guys know
It’s pretty amazing, based on this reporting, that Ryan had a speech in his pocket on Election Night 2016, in which he was going to denounce Trumpism and declare it incompatible with conservatism going forward. Then, Trump won and he put the speech back in his pocket.
I think all sorts of these politicians, Rubio, etc, had “mea culpa” speeches already written, with the assumption that Trump would lose and immediately leave the Republican Party. Perhaps one day we will hear them.
Too little too late.
If they are delivered, the question will immediately become,why didn’t you deliver it back then.
We all know the answer ,of course, the lust for raw power.Ryan will go down in history as one of Trump primary enablers.
And they will all do the mea culpas about why they were not delivered back then.
Nothing is permanent in politics. Second and third acts abound. In the years ahead, either Trumpism will consume the Republican Party, or what is left of the Republican Party will decide it has to go out of its way to denounce it.
I would contend Trumpism is now controlling the Republican Party.
Not only do polls continue to show overwhelming support of Trump himself,they also show that he is much more popular than Congressional Republicans (who are frequently blamed for Trumps problems) and his issue stands now are finding majority support among self described Republicans even when they conflict with formerly conservative “principles(see Trumps tariffs ).”
Perhaps “consume” is a bit much ,maybe more like “gradually consuming.”
I keep pointing out how Congressional lawmakers DO NOT. Follow plans on things….
He maybe the party leader
But they go their OWN way more often then not
Ryan was asked if Trump was one of the reasons he’s going out
He said no
NOBODY. Believes that
Meanwhile, while James desperately tries to paint Paul The Wimp As this “real” anti Trump mastermind,
The Wimp ,in an interview today ,doubles down on his admiration for Trump, declaring they have a “rapport “ describing him as a “good friend,” and crediting him with being responsible for all their accomplishments.
You don’t get much more pandering than that.
James just knows he doesn’t mean it though.He knows lots about these kind of things.
The double down is pure bull shit
As we all know Jack
He has to work his job for another 8 1/2 months
Was Patty Hearst a “wimp?”
I think that is a good historical question.
In my view,Patty Hearst was a criminal.
No Stockholm defense couseler?
She was commuted by Jimmy Carter and pardoned by Bill Clinton.
Jack can have his view
She is TECTNICALLT not a criminal
But there are those images
Not necessarily.
We have seen others who are leaving Washington turn openly critical of Trump.
Indeed, Ryan is now in the perfect position to do so if he so desires.
How do you know that he and Trump aren’t now “friends?}
Doesn’t change my opinion .
What’s yours?
Gee talk about Profiles in Courage.
Christ what a bunch 0f pathetic spineless wimps!
It will be interesting to see how Ryan finishes his time in office. That he no longer has to defend the Koch brothers and their ilk in order to stay in power, perhaps he might show some independence? We’ll see.
Dealing with Trump is just plain difficult
Doing it constantly with the rightwingnuts nipping at your heels has to NOT be fun,…
Also some say Trump’s Democratic leanings bothered Ryan slso
They KEEP dropping like flies…..
Ryan Retirement Puts WI-01 at Risk and Throws House GOP Into Deeper Turmoil
….Ryan’s exit puts his southeastern Wisconsin seat at risk for the first time since his initial election in 1998. Wisconsin’s 1st CD is a traditionally Republican seat: it voted for Trump 52 percent to 42 percent in 2016 and for the Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan ticket 52 percent to 47 percent in 2012. Last Tuesday, a GOP-backed state supreme court nominee carried the 1st CD by five points despite losing statewide.
But now, Republicans will have to start from scratch without Ryan’s $9.6 million campaign account against a Democrat armed with millions and a blue-collar profile….
Interesting, eh?….
He’ll be handing over the gavel to her as he walks out the door…
via twitter….
Talking Points Memo
Pelosi commends Ryan’s “steadfast commitment to our country” http://bit.ly/2Hbjuzv
No, it wouldn’t be Paul Ryan handing over the gavel.
It would be whomever the top Republican is in the next Congress to whomever the top Democrat is, assuming the Democrats win the majority in November.
I was making fun CG…..
They WILL get together for the transition of power after the election I’d bet on….
And right on time?
ANOTHER GOPer’s bails….
Rep. Dennis Ross is retiring at the end of his term, the Florida Republican told his staff Wednesday morning…..
A new Elway Research poll in Washington finds Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), a member of the House Republican leadership, with just a six-point lead over Lisa Brown (D), 44% to 38%…..
My comments are now appearing approximately 30-40 minutes after they are posted.
Obviously, Paul Ryan made a different decision, but at the time he said he was torn because his ambition was to continue (or succeed) as Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, where he could explore (as it turned out later, with little prospect of success) bipartisan support for rebalancing the long-term Federal balance sheet (i.e. restore budget surplusses) with his Randesque schemes to replace Medicate & Medicaid with vouchers for non-government medical plans and fixed-benefit Social Security with fixed-contribution IRA’s.
He was actually in much more powerful position to pursue this as Speaker with a Republican President, but couldn’t come up with anything that would please Democrats, convince the news media or satisfy the general public.
When it comes to Paul Ryan the truth is that he did step into a role, that he had not envisioned for himself, and managed to succeed in it in a way that nobody else could have.
Since then, other things have happened, and harder times may be approaching so he is getting out on his terms while he can. That does not mean he did not accomplish a pretty serious political and governmental achievement.
Of course, without the stain of Trump, so much more could have been done that Ryan would have preferred, but that’s all in the past now. He will have large private sector checkbooks and the time with his teenage kids that he never got with his own father.
NBC News summed Ryan up…
He is walking away from Trump problems, challenging midterms and a sea of red ink.
I did include Trump in the list of things Ryan won’t have to deal with after Jan. 1
Ryan used to campaign on fiscal responsibility. He leaves in office in disgrace. He willl be most remembered for his major role in passing a major fiscally irresponsible tax cut at the absolute worst time of the economic cycle. He will also be remembered for his passive, but important support of Trump. He was truly a despicable leader and we are all fortunate he is leaving the House before he does even more damage.
Lots if us didn’t have time with our own fathers and had to get by on government assistance after they were gone.
Unlike Paul Ryan though most of us who went throught that want those kids to have a social safety net instead of an Ayn Rand novel and bootstraps.
Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
Of course, as has been previously demonstrated, it’s a slander on Paul Ryan to suggest he believes that.
What “slander”?
Ryan is no fan of the social safety net and admits he has wanted to implement an Ayn Randian survival of the fittest society since his college keg party days.
Your saying that does not make it so. I expect better of you.
When you say things like that, you are no different than people who say that Obama wanted to destroy the U.S. military.
Obama got saddled with a sequester that the Republicans have now helped themselves to the money he didn’t use and MORE….
In fact I remember a presser in which Ryan’s staff got some black and brown folks to stand besides him while he said he was gonna help America’s poor but making cuts in social programs…..
I could never figure that one out…
Careful James. You don’t want to “slander” Paulie P90X!
It’s one thing to be defending someone
It’s another when the FBI agents are after YOU…..
CG talking about Jack’s comment I believe
I have no idea what you are talking about here james. The back and forth of the conversations gets even more confusing here because you refuse to listen to your “regulars” about how bad it is and why commenting is falling off and will likely continue to do so.
And on that CG and I can agree.
Of course ,as most here know,James indicates a weird obsession with me.Often directing random remarks to me on matters I haven’t even posted on ,“reminding”me of certain facts that everyone already knows and of course that psychobabble nonsense about everybody being more than one thing which I was having a little fun with today because it’s such a glob of ridiculousness.
I have no ‘obsession’ with you Jack
Quite the opposite one might say
You’re just unhappy CG. Has more comments than u now?
He, he, he
I have busted my bass to get the place up and running
The numbers have climbed every week since the site was rebornef
Unknown to you?
I have to scrub over a hundred spam comments
You just cannot leave the comments completely open….
For some?
They come straight up they post
For others ?
They get held….
As always
It’s up to the poster if they want to post
And nobody has had any suggestions for a better way to deal with those challenges?
It just gets frustrating when so many comments are missed because they do not appear but much later.
This has to be a lot more frustrating for your Democrats, because my comments seem to pop up right away, with no wait, but they have long waits to “have their say.”
This is akin to “evil” blogger suppression.
It’s more challenging to me than U
And the bull shit cost me fuck money…
And good amount is money lenders and Russian’s
but the main point is that you should reasonably acknowledge the confusion and inconvenience that people are facing here, instead of making assumptions about what you *think* is going on in regards to who is replying to whom, which is usually false.
Hypothetical visualization of james “busting his bass.”
I wouldn’t waste money on something that makes you unhappy and leaves others with an unsatisfactory experience. Everyone will understand.
However, I don’t understand the connection between the need for moderation and getting rid of Spam comments with the problems associated with the “reply” feature and how that messes everything up for everyone.
Perhaps the best thing to do would be to have a daily (or perhaps more than once a day) “Open Thread” where people can comment about whatever story they want, and everything would appear in chronological order.
The filter kicks back anything that resembles certain words
There are variations of the word jack that are sexual
Z has some Russian similarities
DSD and Keith come up directly about 90% of the time
You come up better than anybody
Scott almost always get held
The system actually pushe me to deal with the moderation in real time…
I’m using the WordPress default comments because nobody like the other plugin comment systems….
I could try another one
But it would require everyone resigning up again
Your site gets how many hits a week?
I wonder what will happen if I post about Russian sex robots…..
especially those in Texas!
The filter just “gets” me. I’m honored.
New York Times: “For House Republicans, and for a White House bracing for a potential Democratic impeachment inquiry, the more immediate and ominous impact of Mr. Ryan’s retirement was unmistakable: He has made it more difficult for his party to keep control of the House, where Republicans currently hold a 23-seat majority. With one decision, Mr. Ryan has turned an already difficult midterm election into a precarious task for his remaining colleagues.”
Said former Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA): “This is the nightmare scenario. Everybody figured he’d just hang in there till after the election.”
“Mr. Ryan’s exit is a destabilizing blow to Republicans’ 2018 plans on nearly every front.”
James, Does your wife know you have set aside “money”? Anyway, if you get caught by the cops and have to go back to Journal Square to get things straightened out, let me know and if I am in NJ, we can have lunch together.
You have lost your mind this morning Z…..
And I don’t appreciate this comment….
I was just quoting you James. And I don’t appreciate you changing what I wrote.
I did NOT use the word you inserted and please show me where I said what you wrote…..
You’ll have to live with my infrequent editing….
Priebus says he’s not running for Ryan’s Wisconsin seat
I quoted your 7:26pm.
Going forward, if you choose to edit, then indicate in the post that you edited.
And if you want to keep what you do offline private, then don’t make posts about it.
Ok Z….
Here’s the scoop….
If you re-read the converstaion you will see that I’m going back and forth with CG about SPAM and having to rebirth the site….
As happens increasingly with auto spellcheck these days?
The software prints what it THINKS you want to write….
I typed ‘fucking’….The software didn’t….
Furthermore there is NO mention of my wife and side money….
Previously I said outloud to my regulars here that in redoing the site ?
It cost me ‘fucking’ money…..
Where you got you interpretation is beyond me….
If fact I have been VERY frank and ‘transparent’ here to you and my other regulars about my efforts to keep this place going….
You and others have been understanding….
As long as this place is mine?
I reserve the right to edit at my discretion….
Anyone who has a problem with that shouldn’t be here….
How you use your money is your business. I just assumed that you don’t pay your wife for such things. I don’t really care whether you cheat on your wife or not, but if you are paying money for such things, you can get in trouble with the law. And getting angry at me for telling you so isn’t going to solve the problem.
Ryan advises that he won’t run for President and there WAS friction in dealing with Trump….
Ryan’s seat is winnable by the Democrats. It is largely a white collar district situated between Chicago and Milwaukee, although the western part of the district is downright rural.
A strong a Democrat could win the seat – at least for the time being.
From your lips Z
I hope ur right
This system sucks terribly. Sorry it does. You want more contributors here James? Fix it.
Paul Ryan made himself a lame duck today and the GOP contributors are running for the hills. He admitted that, not only was he afraid that he might lose his own re-election, but that the Republicans are about to lose the House. One can only hope.
Ryan, who is supposed to be a co-equal in government, abrogated his leadership role to Donald Trump. He should have given that speech he planned to give on election night, one that was critical of Trump, if Trump had lost of course, anyway. But, since he is a spineless asshole, he didn’t. That speech would have had more value if he had wiped his ass with it.
The whole point of today is that Ryan and the rest of the Congressional Republicans have rolled over and put their legs up in the air for Trump. He is not only fucking them, he is fucking the country.
There is a Constitutional crisis looming on the horizon and the Republicans are still doing nothing. I guess they all have to wait until after their primaries before they put their Nation before Party. Disgusting douche bags that they are.
A word about Paulie. He is a total fraud, always has been. He is very much like Ben Carson, a man who relied on government help in the form of social security and college loans to overcome the death of his father. But, a man who is more than willing to deny this benefit to others.
Does anyone doubt that Paulie would be running again for the House if Hillary had been elected? Anyone? Nope, he would be in her face, fanning the flames of investigation, determined to take her down, and counting the seats the Republicans would pick up in November. He would have never left then.
But, now of course, he wants to spend more time with the family. What a joke.
His whole purpose as a legislator was the dismantlement of the FDR’s security network, and I am sure that if the Democrats take the House back in November he will try in a lame duck session this November to do just that.
Oh, one more thing. For all the misogynistic pearl clutching we have had over Nancy Pelosi these last few weeks, I can say this. She’s the last man standing. Paul Ryan couldn’t fill her jock strap. Just this last few weeks she has raised $5 million for the DNC, and will take the gavel back from a spineless asshole named Paul Ryan.