I had a long talk with one of my son’s last night…..
He follows politics like his dad and he sometimes is able to state thinks in a better and clearer way than me….
Last night he made a very good observation….
He said….”You know dad Trump should have never taken the Presidency….He should have said….I beat ya Hillary …But I don’t want the job….You can have it….’…..
Donald Trump should have had my son’s advice…
Howard Stein was right….
Donald J. Trump HAS TO hate where he is right now…..
Instead of being a rich real estate guy from Queens , who made a living borrowing other peoples money and not paying them back dollar for dollar ….
Instead of being a rich guy who slept around and nobody much cared, or if the woman made noise, he’d have his ‘bag man’ write them a check….
Instead of being a rich guy who even cheated the government out of tax money and was below the radar when caught and paid things back…
Instead of being a rich guy who gave to Republicans AND Democrats , and it didn’t matter as long as he got access…
Instead of being a rich guy, who borrowed money from the Russians, when the banks in America wouldn’t lend him a nickel anymore…..
Instead of ALL this?
Donald J. Trump finds himself in quicksand…..
A man used to getting more or less what he wants?
He is now engaged in the fight of his life against the United States’s Government’s best and brightest law enforcement and intelligence pro’s….
While he has been able to bull shit his way to the leadership of the Republicans party and beatdown most people in his life?
He is having problems now….
He has been able steal the support of the average Republican voter to the tune of 70%….
But the lawmakers he campaigned against?
They don’t trust him….
They shouldn’t…
Time and time again their party leader has come out with views that would make Democrats happy…..Pulled aside afterwards?
Trump would waffle back to their point of view….
Time and time he would make off the cuff remarks that would force lawmakers to come to his rescue least their voters back home get pissed at them for restating the reality…
Trump has come to deal with his time in office as an extension of the way he had run his NYC Real Estate business…
By the seat of his pants ….
His admin turn over has been close to 50% in just 14 months….
His distaste for being advised and managed is right out there….
In countless times he has made a comment of what HE wants to do….
Only to have his OWN staff try to walk things back….
The media has had a field day reporting the twists and turn and keeping a list of how many untruths the American President tries to sell…
But Trump’s worst problem is Robert Mueller & Co.
The Special Councel (Prosecutor) has come to be the Drip…Drip…Drip that poses a danger for a rich business guy in the public spotlight….
Up to the 2016 election Donald Trump and crew could get over under the radar ….
But in Becoming the President of the United States (He lost the popular vote) he put himself under a microscope….
THAT will probably be his undoing….
He has threatened Mueller to NOT investigate his family or private business….
That threat has fallen on deaf ears…
He has knocked his own governments law enforcement officials and intelligence community ….
That has only made those people dig in even deeper at doing their jobs…..
Trump may have intimidated others in the past…
It is NOT working against Mueller &Co…..
While members of Congress have not voted a law to protect Mueller and his boss Rosenstein?
Trump has been warned by members of his own party repeatedly to NOT tamper with the Mueller investigation and to NOT fire Mueller or Rosenstein….
All of this goes back to my son’s point…..
Donald Trump SHOULD do the right thing….
He shouldn’t have taken the job in the first place…
His leaving will be of small comfort to Hillary Clinton and all of us…
But Pence pardoning him would at least get him out of the job….
And help set America back on the right track from the experiment in how NOT to be President of the United States….
I am sure everyone in your family realizes that even if he decided he did not want the job after winning the election, he was not Constitutionally able to bequeath it to a losing candidate. That’s not how things work, and for good reason. I wish he would have refused to take the oath as well.
Had he tried that though and asked for Hillary to be sworn in as President, that sure would have validated my theory about his candidacy of course.
Bad decsion to take the job nevertheless….
I’ve read or heard that on Election Night, Hillary Clinton didn’t have a concession speech ready (although a couple of her writers did draft one) and Donald Trump didn’t have a victory speech.
They both must have been as surprised as the rest of the country.
He, he, he….
To say the LEAST, eh?
Constitutionally, I suppose, Donald Trump could have instructed his Electors to vote for Mike Pence or Hillary Clinton, but this might have collided with various state laws (which I don’t think have been fully tested in the courts) against “faithless Electors”.
Would have been interesting…..
Trump saying I won, but I don’t want it?
I hind sight it would have worked out MUCH better for him….
So far No comment on Michael Cohen today!
I posted a link to a column written by Rick Wilson. Nobody responded to it.
What’s ur feelings?
Ur views?
from the linked piece….
….Monday’s FBI raids on Michael Cohen’s Rockefeller Center office, his hotel room, and his home all provided a proper dose of comeuppance to a man more accustomed to screaming threats, shit-tier legal theorizing, and putting his strip-mall law degree to work in service of Donald Trump…..
This IS YOUR view CG?
Democrats on Trump’s worries….
Democratic lawmakers see a “desperate” Donald Trump lashing out at special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. Republicans are split, with some defending a frustrated president and others warning him to calm down.
Members of Trump’s own party had little desire to spotlight the Monday evening rant in which he slammed the Mueller-led Justice Department probe into Russia’s 2016 election meddling and possible collusion with his campaign.
Their tight-lippedness came after the president characterized a federal raid authorized by a search warrant as a burglary, calling it a “new level of unfairness,” before talking openly about firing Mueller.
[Top Homeland Security Aide Quits on Bolton’s Second Day]
Democratic members, however, were eager to talk about Trump’s remarkable 10-minute vent session, which unfolded in the Cabinet room as his top national security officials looked on. Some said the scene was reminiscent of the behavior of former President Richard M. Nixon during the Watergate investigation that eventually forced him to resign….