Remember those who questioned if Donald Trump, the Real Estate guy from NYC being qualified to be President?
THAT was a good question….
The answer seems to be ‘NO’ so far…..
Donald J. Trump’s time in office has been a prime example of someone who is inept in trying to run something ….
Those who voted for the guy to change things up in Washington have NOT gotten what they thought they would…..
Yes, it’s chaos and controversy, which we’ve constantly chronicled here. But it’s also a matter of competency. According to this month’s NBC/WSJ poll, a majority of Americans — 56 percent — said that Trump’s administration isn’t competent, including 39 percent who said it isn’t competent at all. By contrast, 43 percent said it was competent, including 16 percent who said “very competent.”
To put those numbers into perspective, 50 percent of American said Barack Obama’s administration was competent in June 2014 (so after the Obamacare website crash during his second term), and 53 percent said George W. Bush’s administration was competent in March 2006 (after Hurricane Katrina).
So for all the potential dangers to Trump’s presidency — the Russia investigation, historically low approval ratings, Democrats possibly winning the House (and Senate) in November — the biggest could very well be the competency question.
Indeed, majorities of women (61 percent), seniors (58 percent), millennials (57 percent), independents (57 percent) and men (51 percent) said the Trump administration wasn’t too competent or not competent at all. Even whites were split down the middle — 50-50.
That’s a big problem…..
I’m ure that the Democrats would be EXTREMELY happy to join Donald Trump is pushing for JUST a POPULAR vote election of the American President…..
As you guys point out?
WTF thought he would actually win?
And if he was to survive to be the 2020 GOP nominee?
His old ‘rope a dope’ would certainly NOT work like it did in 2016…..