Could they get a upset win in Mississippi this fall?
A new poll on Mississippi’s pending U.S. Senate races shows Democratic former U.S. Rep. Mike Espy and Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith neck and neck in the pack of two Democrats and two Republicans for the special election to replace Thad Cochran.
It shows Hyde-Smith leading in a potential runoff between her and Espy.
The poll of 1,000 likely voters was conducted by Triumph Campaigns for Y’all Politicson April 10-11. It shows the following results in a four-way race:
- Democrat Mike Espy: 33.1 percent
- Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith: 33 percent
- Republican Chris McDaniel: 12.8 percent
- Democrat Jason Shelton: 6.2 percent
- Undecided: 14.9 percent
On Tuesday’s PBS News Hour, Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa), announced that he will leave his job (and thus leave it vacant) this Spring rather than in November or next January.
Given the precedent of the Conor Lamb election in the Keystone State, I presume that there will be a special election to fill Rep. Dent’s seat (presuming that his resignation hasn’t been timed to preclude such an election because it has passed some election statute timetable).
Contrast this with the Congressional seat that neighbouring New Jersey’s Gov. (and ex-Sen.) Jon Corzine left vacant for 11 months when he appointed Rep. Bob Menendez to the U.S. Senate seat that Corzine had vacated in order to become Governor. Corzine offered some rather weak excuses for not calling a special election, contradicting in spirit if not technically, the paragraph of the U.S. Constitution (in Article I, section 2) which reads “When vacancies happen in the Representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies.”
I see little chance of such.
Espy will likely be in the runoff but I can’t see him winning head to head against a Republican.
If this were to happen though and Mississippi were to elect a Black Democrat?
Then it would be time to recalculate the whole political face of the south.
Well, you have it half way Jack….
A Black Republican Senator in your state…..
That is alos pretty remarkable….
A one of a kind, eh?
In most southern states,in a statewide contest, a Black Republican would stand a better chance than a Black Democrat,particularly a very conservative one like Scott in S.C.
Which shows that race is not a barrier when conservatives cast votes.
I don’t disagree with that.
So they’ll cast votes for a black Republican even as they continue to think the first black President who happened to be a Democrat was born in Kenya.
That IS my point Scott….Thanks Scott…
Tim Scott does NOT change much of anything….
I disagree with CG on this…
So white southerners would have voted for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders (or Martin O’Malley for that matter) over Ben Carson?
Yes. Republicans are comfortable voting for a black man who says “black lives matter is divisive”, institutional racism doesn’t exist, and Muslims support the Quran over the Constitution”
It’s what you do
Not your color?
We’ll only up to certain point, eh?
As I’ve said before, the most vocal “birthers” I ever came across were people who practically worshipped at the political altar of Alan Keyes.
I have always pointed out that EVERYONE HAS biases CG…..
He, he, he…..
WTF did you get THAT from CG?
Yes there are several conservative black lawmakers and one in Trump’s cabinet…
But most surely Race IS a factor….
Politico has piece on the Black US Senator from SC Tim Scott…
He lets you knopw that race is ALWAYS in the back ground….
God Made Me Black on Purpose’ – POLITICO Magazine
Tim Scott is the most prominent African-American Republican in America. In the Trump era, that’s no easy thing….
get what from?
What I am saying is that white conservatives will vote for a black or other minority conservative who shares their views and values.
In fact, they want to go out of the way to show how open they are to supporting minorities by pointing to those examples.
The 1960s are long over, even as way too many conservative votes showed they were willing to look the other way when it came to Trump’s rhetoric, because of their own various reasons.
Please read the Politico on Tim Scott when you get a chance….
Race very seldom goes away in the South…Or even Philly in the North as we see….
I’ve stated for a long time that race is a bigger deal for many outside the South.
Tim Scott is very popular because he is a good politician and he shares the beliefs and values of his constituency (I do not know if an unmarried politician will ever go very far on a national ticket though), and the fact that he is African-American, and proud of his background, makes him even more appealing to those white conservatives, whether it should be a factor or not.
Yes that pretty much sums up Scott.
He has rapidly become an icon in S.C.
Can’t be touched..
A Republican friend of mine made the statement ,”He makes us(conservatives ) feel good about ourselves.”
Yes Jack, they got to vote for a black guy without the guilt of voting for a real black guy. One, of course, that they will never have to worry about being President. There is still the little fact that they believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that Obama was born in Kenya. Scott is the one Republican poster child for an otherwise crazy ass Republican Party that peddles conspiracy theories out the wazoo.
A couple of thoughts:
1) I never heard of Y’All politics, but it appears to be a small political news site dealing with Mississippi politics. I would not put a lot of trust in their polling abilities.
2) The poll they took was a 4 way race with two Republicans and two Dems. The two Republicans easily outpolled the two Dems.
I agree with Jack. I expect that the GOP to hold that seat. It is interesting though that McDaniel did so poorly in that poll.
Oh, I agree with Jack also….
But ya never know, eh?
The Republicans could probably do a lot worse than nominating Tim Scott to their ticket in 2020. He is extremely conservative, but (like Barack Obama) doesn’t seem to go out of his way to attack those who disagree with him.
But Jack has seen his campaigns up close and I haven’t.
James I posted about Greitens on the other thread almost an hour ago and it still has me under moderation.
Scott u post from ur phone?
Ok Scott just figured out why you get moderated
You have my email address?
I will email u later Scott