An even larger majority think migrant workers should be allowed to work…..
This NBC News/Survey Monkey poll has a margin of error of only 1.1%, because its sample was over 15,000 people….
This is NOT a good look for Republicans and Trump who are working hard to get rid of illegal and legal immigrants who ARE the migrant workers….
That Trump has popularity problems in the South should worry the GOP because that is where the party is the strongest….
The poll should also cause people to second guess the polls that have Trump up around 70% in numbers for Republicans nation wide, since those polls do not have sample sizes anywhere near as large as this poll…
More polling on this should be done…
But it results are ominous for Republicans in the fall midterm elections…
A majority of Southerners disapprove of the job President Trump is doing in office, according to a new survey.
An NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll finds 51 percent of Southerners disapprove of Trump’s job performance, compared 48 percent who approve.
The poll surveyed voters in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
The president’s strongest support comes from Mississippi, according to the poll, where 57 percent of respondents approve of his job performance.
The poll also finds that 69 percent of those in the South think migrants should be given the opportunity to obtain legal status. Another 28 percent disagree, saying they think they should be deported….
All I can say is there is no hint of this here in S.C. where indeed every Republican candidate of note in the June primaries,save for First District Rep. Mark Sanford ,a noted rebel, is running as totally pro Trump.
Indeed the main issue between the candidates is who is the most pro Trump.
I was surprised also
But the poll is very large with a tiny MOE
He, he
The fight to be Minority Leader?