Trump has debased the value of expertise and supercharged the celebrification of American politics.
Larry Kudlow, a longtime fixture on CNBC….
Fox News contributor John Bolton....(Possible?)
Heather Nauert, a former co-host of “Fox and Friends…
K.T. McFarland, a Fox analyst…
Fox talking head, Monica Crowley.…
Carl Higbie, Trump defender on Fox, CNN and MSNBC during the 2016 campaign….
Makes a certain amount of sense.
Trump fashions himself an entertainer of sorts.
Likely he feels more comfortable among other entertainers than political types.
But most of these hires do NOT last….
They are like fish out of THEIR water…
To be fair, Larry Kudlow, K.T. McFarlane and especially John Bolton have had academic, government, legal and/or financial careers well outside and beyond Fox News.
You could just as easily dismiss Paul Begala, Al Cardenas and the Rev. Al Sharpton as merely talking heads for CNN or MSNBC.
Sure could…
But Begala actually worked with the system….
Sharpton just had access to Obama….
WTHeck is Al Cardenas ?
Al Cardenas was for a long time chairman or president of the American Conservative Union (ACU), founded as the right’s equivalent of Americans for Democratic Action (ADA). As such, he presided every year over the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).