Forgive this dog for being cynical , but ?
Ya HAD to know something like this would hit the media this morning…..
Stormy Daniels
Principally and little bit of John Bolton I’m guessing…
One of the talking heads mentioned this off handily last week….
They should get a raise….
This plays welll on multipe levels….
Trump tries to show he’s tough against the very Russians he has be deferential to….
It is a American President supporting actions of a British leader….
It shows that despite the Donald Trump that has tried to receed form world affairs, is back on stage in the tradional American foreign policy mode….Other European nations kicked out more Russian ‘diplomats/spys’…..
It plays well to the American and foreign intelligenmce community ….
And above ALL for Donald Trump?
It SHOULD bounce the Stormy Daniels ’60 Minures’ story from the top of the news cycle…..
Like I said….
I’m cynical….
But I see Trump as ONLY interested in HIMSELF….
Don’t be surprised if his numbers tick up a bit more…..
This is the sort of thing that moves him in the direction what typical American President’s do….
And get points for….
(I wonder if he called Putin to give him a ‘heads up’ on this, eh?)
Trump did NOT personally make this action known….
“Today’s actions make the United States safer by reducing Russia’s ability to spy on Americans and to conduct covert operations that threaten America’s national security,” Sanders said. “With these steps, the United States and our allies and partners make clear to Russia that its actions have consequences.”
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement, “We take these actions to demonstrate our unbreakable solidarity with the United Kingdom, and to impose serious consequences on Russia for its continued violations of international norms.”
The actions, which could prompt retaliatory action against U.S. diplomats in Russia, come in contrast to President Trump’s efforts to foster a warm relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a phone call to Putin last week, Trump rejected the counsel of his national security advisers and congratulated Putin on his reelection victory.
Although Trump’s administration is taking action to punish Russia for the attack in Britain, Trump did not personally confront Putin on the attack during their phone call, administration officials have said….
CBS is pushing it’s Daniels show which was their highest rated show since 2008 when Obama and his wife Michelle appeared on the show….
This story has NOT knocked the Stormy Daniels from the headlines…..
This story HAS Legs and is NOT going away anytime soon it appears…..