It’s gotten to this….
Donald Trump begging House Speaker for ‘Wall’ money….
And Ryan and other lawmakers turning their backs on the guy….
Still feeling spurned by the paltry $1.6 billion allotted for his border wall in last week’s funding bill, President Donald Trump is now urging the military to pay for the project, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.
Trump ended an early Sunday morning tweet detailing the wealth of the military and the necessity of the border wall with “Build WALL through M!” Unnamed advisers told the Washington Post that “M” stands for military.
According to the report, Trump floated the idea to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Wednesday, receiving little reaction, though unnamed senior officials later dismissed the viability of the proposal…
I thought Mexico was going to pay for that wall?
He thought so also
Nobody else
Including his adopted parties lawmakers
Maybe he’ll pony up the money himself?
On second thought maybe not…
He’s gonna need some money to settle all the cases brought against him by women that like him?
That must be what “M” is, or ¿ does it mean build a wall through Mexico ?