Donald Trump is a loser on this one…..
The case just won’t go away….
Sitting down for a questioning by Daniels lawyer Michael J. Avenatti would almost as risky as appearing before Mueller’s people….
Bill Clinton’s Civil suit ruling means that Trump, as President can’t duck this, or any other civil suit….
Avenatti has been five steps ahead of Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohn all thru this….
Trump should settle this if he’s smart….
Stormy Daniels’ attorney asked a federal judge this morning for permission to depose President Donald J. Trump about his knowledge of an agreement to pay the porn star $130,000 a week and a half before the 2016 election.
In a motion filed in federal court in Los Angeles, Daniels’ attorney, Michael J. Avenatti, requested a deposition “of no greater than two hours” of the President. Avenatti also asked for a court order to depose the President’s personal attorney, Michael D. Cohen, who has said he made the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels with his own funds and without Mr. Trump’s knowledge.
If successful, Avenatti’s motion would require the President to explain, under oath, what he knew about the secrecy agreement and when. The testimony could potentially play a role in determining whether campaign finance laws were broken by the President, Mr. Cohen, or the Trump campaign.
Stormy Daniels “intends to prove that the Hush Agreement did not have a lawful object or purpose,” Avenatti argues in the motion. “Rather, the Agreement and the $130,000 payment made pursuant to the Agreement, was for the ‘purpose of influencing’ the 2016 presidential election by silencing Plaintiff from speaking openly and publicly about Mr. Trump just weeks before the 2016 election.”
Avenatti is also asking U.S. district court judge S. James Otero to allow Stormy Daniels’ legal team to issue “no more than ten targeted requests for production of documents directed to Mr. Trump and Mr. Cohen on various topics relating to the Agreement.”
His supporters don’t care.
They’re only “ concerned” about sexual mischief when it’s done by Democrats.
In S.C., adultery is a criminal offense.You can go to jail for it.Its never enforced, but what is amusing is that a few years ago some Democrats and non evangelical Republicans tried to repeal the law, arguing ,correctly, that no one was ever being prosecuted under it anyway.
They were unsuccessful ,however ,due to opposition from?You guessed it,Evangelicals,you know Trumps biggest supporters.So ,assumingly, evangelicals ,at least in S.C. ,believe that ,if Stormy Daniels is telling the truth,Donald Trump should be in jail!
The case and the others ARE a drag on him in the media….
But the dangerous thing is the same as Bill Clinton….
We ALL KNOW he is sleeping around….
But Avenatti could get actually get on tape as has been done before in Trump’s civil case that he KNOWING LIES about stuff…
THAT would play over and OVER in the media and campaign ads for the fall….
This is NOT just a bull shit thing…
One has to consider that the more this sort of thing is talked about in the media, the less of his vulnerabilities (real or perceived) on policy matters get discussed, and that would work to his benefit.
When it comes to Trump’s character, it’s already baked in the cake. People either already find him disgusting or have long ago decided they just do not care.
Yes,I’ve already stated that I don’t care much about all this sexual stuff.
I find it a little amusing,particularly the evangelicals circumlocutions to justify their support of the old hound, but none of it affects my opposition to him.
What is funny is watching the Trump fan lovefest for Roseanne Barr and the reboot of her show.
Just because Roseanne, both the real person and the character she plays voted for Trump and is anti-Hillary, has turned her into a “working class voice of the people” now in Trumpland, and they are willing to overlook anything else put forward on the show, including a cross-dressing 9 year old grandson.
Yeah I watched most of the show and didn’t seec anything “pro Trump” about it. I understand Roseanne herself voted for Trump and gave probably the most unenthusiastic endorsement of a candidate I have ever read. .
She wanted her character to have voted for him as well just because it woukd be more realistic that someone in that family did. . .
Hell it was probably a brilliant move on the part of ABC to pull in Trump Republicans–who aren’t bright enough to see this isn’t exactly a glowing endorsement
Yeah these evangelicals are a trip. Yesterday I saw where a friend of a friend posted how “concerned” he was that the judge in the trial of Governir Eric Greitens had ruled in favor of marriage equality for a local couple prior to the US Supreme Court ruling.
This prick went on and on about the judge “inventing” rights that were “given by God”. And how could such a morally compromised judge be fair to a good Republican who tried to blackmail his mistress while she was blindfolded and tied to an elliptical machine.
Like I said, a trip.
He would have hard pressed to find an inmate that reminded him of his daughter.
Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford), according to her own account on 60 Minutes, had a one-night stand with a married man because — she said — she felt she had given some kind of wrong social signal (having dinner alone with him in his hotel room). He was eager, she said, but she wasn’t (one-way attraction). She declined his offer of money. She had a second date with him months later, but nothing improper followed.
What’s the big story? And why was it worth $130,000 ?
The media loves the part about Trump in his undrewear getting spanked….
Trump haters love that she and her lawyer are beating the pants off Trump and HIS lawyer…
Dems to party: Go on offense with Trump’s alleged affairs
Democrats say their party should seize on President Trump’s alleged affairs with adult film star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal to highlight flaws in the president’s character and credibility.
While charges of sexual harassment against Trump didn’t cost him the 2016 presidential election against Hillary Clinton, Democrats say the “Me Too” movement has changed the political zeitgeist…
Yeah, they aren’t even going to think they can get away with that…
Who isn’t “even going to think they can get away with that”?
Democrats running on an anti-adultery message.
Not run an anti adultery message. But we could run on a Republicans are hypocritical bigots who tout “family values” but look the other way when one of their own raw dogs a porn star just after his third wife gives birth to his fifth child message.
That’s mixed messaging to the extreme, since Democrats have for generations now preached that such things are irrelevant.
If anything, you guys should declare victory in the Culture War.
What I think Trump shows is that the so called “culture war” was nothing but a mirage.
The “war” as such was nothing more than a political battle by another name.
The election of Donald Trump with the overwhelming support of those who have claimed for years that they were for some self defined morality including such things as opposition to adultery, pornography, sexual harassment of women,coarseness in language,bullying, among other things,reveals at best just plain old hypocrisy ot at worst some kind of sick cynicism.
They now support an adulterer who committed said acts with a porn star,who has ,by his own braggadocio harassed innumerable women while daily engaging in abusive language and the worst aspects of a bully.
He gets a “pass” though because he is opposed by “liberals” and the “media.”
They can give Trump what they want but they get no “pass.Their”values”,” if those can be said to exist ,are strictly political.As to their “cultural values?”A bunch of meaningless sloganeering.
No pass from me.
For any of you people…
What’s even worse is that they had choices.
I’m no fan of Jeb Bush nor John Kasich particularly ,but both are decent people whose views largely coincided with those expressed by the “cultural conservatives.”
But no, they wanted Trump, the man, with all his “qualities.” The voted”for” him.They wanted him as their President ,full well knowing much of what has been revealed.They didn’t care.
Trump is who they are.They call it a “pass.” To me they were staring in the mirror and they saw Trump .Why?
Because Trump seemed to arouse the “liberals “ and the “media” and that’s all that was important.
Oh sure they get a”pass” from you.
Without these so called “cultural conservatives,” your party wouldn’t win any national elections.
Everybody knows that.
You are tilting at windmills again.
If I were to give a “pass” I would be voting for you guys.
I’m just stating a fact.
Tilting at windmills ?I think not.
The same can be said for the Democrats.
Without the African American vote the Democrats wouldn’t win any national elections.
Simple facts.
Inconvenient perhaps but no less true.
I think you are just blustering again, which you are increasingly doing more of, because you do not have anything logical to say.
I was a cultural conservative (though not a complete prude perhaps) before Trump, and I am one during Trump, and I will be one after Trump.
The left continues to be who they are, and Republicans, taking their cues from the left on these matters is not something I approve of.
I do not know how it could be any more simple for you.
Trump received the nomination with lower support than anybody in modern times within a major party.
And in any event, while he won it, you know whom I supported going into the primaries, in my state’s primaries, and in the general election, and none of those people were Donald Trump.
Thus, no “pass” from me, for anyone.
I posted my view of the “cultural conservatives” which has been lost to moderation.
In the world of blustering you hold a candle to nobody so take your pomposity and shove it.
You are so defensive because you are basically an asterisk in your own party which is now dominated by the Trump cult and that’s who I was specifically referring to.I surely don’t consider you an evangelical conservative nor a culture warrior.
Further what I stated about both the parties is entirely accurate .However,if you choose not to believe it ?So be it.
If Trump exits the scene you will gladly ally yourself with his then former cultists because you want to win and without them you can’t.
Simple as that.
You don’t want to admit it?Fine.
Ur post is up Jack
No, again, you are “speaking” for me when you really have no idea what you are talking about or are being intentionally dishonest, such as your claiming I was “lying” about hypothetical Democrats I would have voted for over Trump, even though I had been stating those hypotheticals for some time.
As I have said since the 2016 campaign, a lot of decent people voted for Donald Trump, and a lot of decent people voted for Hillary Clinton. A whole bunch of people on both of those sides did not feel good about having to do so.
And then, there are the asterisk people like me who voted for neither and am glad to have done so.
America will persevere long after Trump leaves the stage and for the good of the country, there needs to be unity between decent Trump voters, decent Clinton voters, and those of us who stood on principle and voted for neither. That is the kind of coalition I hope to see, for the betterment of the country.
But yes, keep telling yourself that people who disagree with you do not care about the country. It’s what you have been ranting about for at least 50 years now.
Once again I wasn’t even referring to you.
In the post above I specifically said that the culture warriors had a choice.I believe you supported Bush.
I was specifically referring to those who supported Trump.
I don’t even know what you are ranting about.
I guess you’re pissed a boy at me for laughing at the notion that you would have voted for Ben Cardin.
That was a good one.
I don’t take that back.
Ah you wouldn’t have voted for Cardin .Hell Hes one of the most liberal Senators.You were just mouthing off trying to make everyone believe that you are some nonpartisan or whatever you’re calling yourself today.
And of course we all notice how “tolerant”yon are of those who disagree with you.
I’m tired of everything I post going into moderation.
To much applause I’m out.
….The marital elephant in the room — will Melania finally divorce her husband? — is a quandary President Trump, 71, himself alluded to in a self-deprecating bit at the Gridiron Dinner in D.C. March 3. “So many people have been leaving the White House,” he joked of his administration’s high turnover rate. “Now the question everyone keeps asking is, ‘Who’s going to be the next to leave? [Political advisor] Steve Miller or Melania?’”….
A federal California judge struck down a request from Stormy Daniels Thursday to have President Trump and his personal lawyer Michael Cohen testify under oath — but the porn star’s attorney contended that the ruling was a move in his client’s favor.
“We’re very, very encouraged by language in the order not just suggesting, but basically finding, that we’re correct in the application of the law and the facts of this matter,” Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.
U.S. District Judge James Otero’s ruling was dense with legal jargon, but Avenatti explained that the gist of it was that he had filed his client’s request for a jury trial too early. Avenatti said he expects his motion to pass once Cohen or Trump request to have the case resolved in closed-door arbitration proceedings…..
People ARE talking about Daniels….
Not Mueller….
Not the economy….
Just Stormy Daniels…
I don’t really hear a lot of people talking about it and those that are just have the same thought they did before.
I agree.
I don’t see this as a big political issue.
It’s more a titilating storyline for the cable news networks.
Her 60 Minutes interview got higher ratings than Trump’s and Obama’s.
People are interested in this story. Republicans are not of course. It barely registers on FOX. I think they had something about (surprise surprise) Hillary the night after Daniels interview.
They had the lead-in of the NCAA tournament on Sunday night and people wanted to hear what she said. This isn’t going to be the thing the “takes him down” though.