In the end ?
To finnally pass a spending bill?
The Republicans HAD TO go to do what the American political system is designed to do….
More Democrats and fewer Republicans voted for the fiscal 2018 omnibus Thursday than voted for the budget deal that set the spending levels for it.
The House passed the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, 256-167, with 145 Republicans and 111 Democrats voting “yes.” The “no” votes came from 90 Republicans and 77 Democrats.
Compare that to the budget deal vote last month that the House passed 240-186 with the backing of 167 Republicans and 73 Democrats. On that measure 67 Republicans and 119 Democrats voted “no.”
More than half of the Democratic Caucus voted against the budget deal in February because Speaker Paul D. Ryan would not specifically commit to a vote on legislation to replace the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program that shelters from deportation young immigrants brought illegally to the U.S. as children. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team adopted that stance and conducted a soft whip effort that corralled many of the rank and file to their side.
The main difference on the omnibus is that Pelosi, who helped negotiate both deals, decided to vote “yes.” That, coupled with nondefense funding boosts being directed to Democratic priorities, likely led to others feeling comfortable to follow the leader…..
House Speaker Ryan had to turn his back on his conservative buddies…
The same thing his predecessor did ….
NYC is literally turning on Trump over at HHR. I cannot believe my eyes! Maybe he will snap out of it and go back to defending him, but of *anything* that has ever happened in the campaign or Administration, this has the Trumpists the most upset right now. They are actually *mad* at Trump.
Jeff Flake, who of course voted against the Omnibus, might be gaining some new supporters for his Presidential campaign! (And Kasich was opposed as well)
This moment feels a whole lot like the exact day a few months back when conservatives in Illinois started to turn on Bruce Rauner.
It’s a rough day for NYCmike and his guys, eh?
Trump sold theirssses out ?
Led astray by their adoptive leader?
That’s what they get
For lying with a guy who isn’t a ‘true ‘believer!
James, in your uh “ glee” or whatever this is,explain to all of us why the Majority Of Republicans are getting a pass from you for voting for this so called “ unRepublican” bill and the only one to blame is Trump.
Hell, I’m against this bill.
Way way way too much for the military.
Are you “ for” the bill?
Am I now a Republican?Well no,of course not, because the Republicans are all against it,except for the majority who voted for it ,right.
As for these Republicans who are going bonkers today?Theyll all be back supporting Trump next week.Indeed, as with the tariffs(another issue that you assured us was going to do Trump in with Republicans) It wouldn’t surprise me at all if in a week or so polls will show Republicans support Trumps signing the bill and blame the whole thing on Congressional Republicans.
Am I ‘for’ the bill?
But I’ll live with it…
I agree the military got WTF too much money…
I posted a pece here about how the Penatgon has NOT has comprehensive audit….Period….
The CNN military person
Says Mattis is gonna have to figure out WHERE to spend the darn money…
You can’t eat a tank Jack, as I pointed out…
It doesn’t pay your doctor bill
Now the right leaning fiscal conservetives are HIGHLY PISSED!….
Trump boasted about the YUGE budget…
Conservetive’s had to sit and watch THEIR party members get in bed with Democrats to go around them….
Indeed you are probably correct….
The same knucklheads that are bitching now?
Will stupidly have his back on whatever he dumbly suggests in the future….
Theye will carry his water against the nation’s FBI and intelligence community ….
You should be for the bill. Pelosi and Schumer love it. They completely and totally eviscerated Trump. (Unless he was in on that with them all along)
Pelosi and Schumer settled the way they and Ryan and McConnell KNEW they would….
While they paly for the camera’s and Trump?
They KNOW what they HAVE to do….
Trump crying about the fillerbuster isn’t gonna make it go away…
McConnell know with some votes he could be in Schumers shoes….
Pelosi isn’t dumb…
Neither is Schumer….
The judge made the DACA problem go away….
They settled for small victories if you read the fine print….
All the bull shit talk about defunding the Democratic wants like Planned Parenthood and Corp eration for Public Broadcasting is just talk….
The Trump admin is actually supporting the Affordable Healthcare law….
The ‘Swamp’ wins one CG….
And for that reson alone….
NYCmike and RepubliCAN are having a bad day over on the other site….
Over here?
And probably Daily Kos, Co.
Not too bad….
Not Big Win…
But a hell of a LOT BETTER than people though when Trump got sworn in…
Ann Coulter just tweeted in favor of Trump’s impeachment.
This is fun!
I HAVE made THIS point here for eons!….
In the end Trump was NOT involved…
Its above his capacity to think…
This IS the swamp working OVERTIME!…
The guy should NEVER have been given the job….
He’s just inept
Conserveteives are pissed because DONALD TRUMP is NOT and NEVER has been a TRUE ideology based guy….
He is about HIMSELF…Not Republicans…Not about America….
Jack and I go back and forth about this….
I STAND BY VIEW that Trump, the Republican LEADER…..
STILL HAS Democratic leanings….
He’s talking about DACA?
GOPer’s don’t want DACA….
And the payoff?
Ryan and McConnell get the passage WITH the DEMOCRATS!!!!!!….
Coulter and the vast majority of her fellow Republicans will be back lapping at Trump’s balls by next week.
Time will tell on that. I have been watching these people for a long time though, and how they will excuse literally anything, and today, they are *really really* upset.
Smaller scale, but when the conservative dam broke on Bruce Rauner, it really broke fast and deep. He had to rely on “RINOS” like me to save him temporarily.
A new Ogden & Fry poll in Illinois finds J.B. Pritzker (D) running way ahead of Gov. Bruce Rauner (D) in the governor’s race, 46% to 28%.
Key finding: Rauner’s approval rating is a dismal 32% to 68%.
Agreed Scott, this is a fantasy that Republicans will break with Trump, they can’t, the base won’t let them.
Folks that think because the minority party votes to pass a budget that they are somehow necessarily agreeing with the majority ideologically don’t understand how government works.
The minority wants to keep the government open and functioning. Trump and the teabaggers don’t care, never have cared if the government shuts down. Trump doesn’t understand the budget and his priority is himself, his business, family, and Putin. He hasn’t any ideological underpinnings, other than being racist like half the Republican electorate.
Another way to look at it, Ryan begged Trump to sign the bill. And Trump gave his fellow Republicans reluctantly what they wanted because the bill didn’t have the Wall.
Somehow Trump didn’t suddenly become a Democrat because Ryan and McConnell are bad negotiators.
Well then?
Ryan got over with Trump…..
Pelosi gave Ryan a hand, eh?
Gotta make NYCmike, RepubliCAN and the others SO HAPPY?
They don’t care really.
Oh they were bitching a little bit yesterday.
They’ll be back in line next week.
Because ,of course, and something you either don’t understand or refuse to face(ala CG),”conservatism “ is bunk.
It’s a meaningless word anymore.The only thing these types are concerned with are “libruls”( defined as anyone to the left of say Louie Gohmert ,including even some Republicans,like say Lindsay Graham) and the big bad “media” ,who are “unfair”to their Leader ,because they quote what the idiot says.
Your problem is that you keep looking for something that Trump does which isn’t”conservative”and you takeoff with the”this is it” line that now,at long last, “conservatives” are going to desert him .
They’re not because ,while possibly being momentarily upset with him, they still view him as their leader in the fight against “libruls” and the “media” which is always numero uno to them.
I don’t have a ‘problem’ with the GOPer’s blind allegiance to Trump…
It has become THEIR crutch
You know why McMadters and Tillerson are REALLY GONE?
They dared to admit their boss, our President ,is a ‘fucking moron’….
Back in moderation.