While Donald Trump has a low approval numbers among ALL Americans?
His numbers among Republicans is still around 70%….
The US House has all indications of going back to a Democratic majority….
By the US Senate right now has thin Republican majority…..
Democrats have more of their Senate lawmakers running for re-election and more than half of those in states Donald Trump carried by double digits….
Right NOW?
It makes some sense for those GOP senators to say they will embrace Trump….
But the election is 7 months away….
And a LOT could and probably will test that strategy…..
Trump has lately gone rouge and increasingly says what he feels regardless, and is working to increase the number ‘yes’ men surrounding him….
This puts him a tweet first, pull back later mode….
The tax cut, healthcare and immigration issues are festering….
And last, but not least?
Robert Mueller is gonna throw down his report after charging more people…..
One needs to remember ….
Almost every guy Trump has ‘helped’?
Has lost their election….
Buyer be aware….
Trump will cost Republicans the House, Senate Republicans say the president will play a starring role in the closely contested campaigns that will decide control of the chamber. Trump will be front and center in every state that helped elect the president, according to GOP senators and strategists, making the case that Democrats are hindering his agenda.
“If you look at a race in a state like Missouri or North Dakota — or any of these states — he’ll be very involved,” said Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, chairman of the GOP’s campaign arm, who speaks with Trump about political strategy regularly. “He’ll be actively campaigning for a Senate majority. Absolutely.
Republicans will lean most heavily on Trump in five deeply conservative states where the president remains highly popular and where he crushed Hillary Clinton: West Virginia, North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri and Montana. But they say they will also deploy Trump in the next tier of swing states that Trump won more narrowly: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida. And they expect him to help preserve GOP seats in Nevada, where he narrowly lost, and in Arizona.
In fact, despite his unpopularity on the national level, Republicans insist there isn’t a state on the Senate map where they are nervous about deploying Trump. Republicans reason that opposition to Trump is already baked into the Democratic electorate. They figure Democrats will be motivated to vote whether Trump shows up or not, so they might as well use him to fire up their base, too.
Republicans have “got to have some intensity in our base,” as Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) put it.
“Base mobilization is absolutely essential for victory, and there is absolutely no one better at energizing the GOP base than President Donald Trump,” said Josh Holmes, a former chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)….
Well it worked so great in the Pennsylvania district Trump won by 20 points.
He, he, he….
And, boy, was it effective in Alabama (62.1% Trump – 34.4% Clinton), which has voted for only one Democratic Presidential candidate since 1961 (Carter’76).
I think the running on Trump thing IS stupid
But I guess sometimes people will tell a reporter anything,eh!
In a Republican primary?
Sure I would embrace Trump.He is the most popular Republican in the country,at least among his fellow party members.
That’s why his endorsed guys keep losing….
Name the Republicans who have lost Republican primaries by embracing Trump
Alabama Senate race
Just done Pa-18
Are 2
So he endorsed Saccone for the Republican nomination?
My point is that in a Republican primary,embracing Trump is almost a given .Even in Alabama, Moore embraced Trump..
Opposing Trump in a Republican primary,even without his endorsement is likely a sure fire way to guarantee ones defeat.
He remains overwhelmingly popular among the Republican base and those are the people most likely to vote in a primary.
As an example I’m familiar with,in South Carolina’s Republican primary for Governor,all the candidates(five so far) are essentially trying to outdo each other in their support for Trump.
I will admit that the GOPers have run some bad candidates
Running as an incumbent for theSenate IS DIFFERNT
It may not be good idea to be in a photo op with him going into November
Yea primaries play to him
But we’ll see how long
I won’t count Alabama because Trump made a lot of contradictory statements after his initial “endorsement.”
As to Pa.Who did he endorse .
He wanted Saccone
Said he ‘needed’ him to win
Then bad mouthed the guy
I don’t believe there was an actual primary for the house seat in PA 18.
Saccone was the most Trump like of the Republicans running though I belueve, despite Trump’s ridiculpus claim that Lamb was mist like him.