First off, if you haven’t seen our Illinois Primary Preview, click HERE to read our comprehensive preview of today’s races. Our liveblog will start at 8p ET tonight….
Filing deadlines have recently passed in four states: Iowa, Maine, Nevada, and Utah. Click each for the full candidate lists on our resources pages! Colorado and Pennsylvania have their filing deadlines today and DC is tomorrow; we will have updated lists shortly….
I spent all of 25 seconds at the voting machine. That has to be some sort of all-time record.
The RRH preview is amazingly comprehensive, though I just skimmed it.
Who is the person who wrote it and how much time do they actually have on their hands? In any event, well-done.
“Anonymous” is me. That’s weird. I’m not even wearing a Guy Fawks mask.
I actually had to be in Illinois early this morning, but didn’t pass any polling stations so I’m not sure what turn out is like.
Was it crowded at all where you voted CG?
It’s going to be a very low turnout, especially on the Republican side. That means there could be a “surprise” or two.
You mean that wacko could knock off Rauner?
It’s not unthinkable. If I am to “predict”, I will say Rauner wins 54-46.
For the Democrats, I will say Pritzker 35, Kennedy 31, Biss, 28, others 6
Lipinski beats Newman 52-48
Pat Quinn and Erika Harold win AG primaries.
A lot people in the media Democratic left will be off if Lipinski pulls it out..
Lipinksi ahead 52-48 with 60% in.
How many potential Ives voters in that CD took a ballot to vote for the Pro Life Lipinksi and how might that have affected the overall Governor results?
Conversely, how many Democrats statewide took a Republican ballot just to vote against Rauner, either out of spite, or to try to eliminate him in the primary and effectively clinch the general election against an unelectable Ives?
Pritzker has a solid lead thus far. His money may talk the loudest at the end of this.
NeverTrump GOP incumbent Congressman Adam Kinzinger having little trouble in his primary.
Lipinski winning, eh?
If Lipinksi wins, his Machine support aside, it will be due to a lot of conservative votes, Trumpists, Republican, and otherwise.
If and think he probably will….
It will be signal to the Democrats to let Blue Dogs BE BLUE DOGS as long as they vote with the party more than 70% of the time
The ‘way’ for the damn party is NOT. Going to the ducking LEFT EVERYWHERE
I mean i’m Tired of this….
Bernie Sanders is NOT capable of getting the Presidency for Democrats, neither is Warren
Wake the fuck up!
This is also a dig at the media which see’s Democratic lefties as bright shiny objects EVERYWHERE!
Lipinksi is one of just the 3 Pro-Life Democrats left in the U.S. house.
In 2010, there were still 30 something of them.
Lipinksi and Pritizker (and maybe Raoul) aside, other Madigan-backed Machine candidates are going down to defeat down the ballot tonight.
The incumbent Cook County Assessor, (also the Chairman of the County Democrat Party) who has been widely associated as of late with corruption, nepotism, etc, and who is very tight with Michael Madigan is down by several points thus far in his primary.
The Cook County Board President, who looked incredibly vulnerable a few months ago looks headed to another term against a pretty weak primary opponent.
(no Republican candidates in these races of course. It’s why I was able to vote today quicker than the time it took to order lunch.)
(My sister in law and some in her family have become very passionate about a Democrat State Senate candidate, who looks like she might win tonight. I don’t know if they realize that it might be uphill for that Democrat in the general election though)
There is probably a good deal of panic on Rauner’s team at the moment…..
Erika Harold, who was hand picked by Rauner to run for AG, is running well ahead of the Governor and looks headed to a win.
Kwame Raoul leads Pat Quinn by 10 points now, but with most of Downstate yet to report, there will be a great chance for Quinn to pull it out, which is what Republicans want to see happen, as he will be easiest to beat and a drag on other Democrats.
25% of the vote in and Rauner is ahead 53-47. I think that might mean somewhere in the neighborhood of a 52-48 win, but it depends what happens Downstate.
Cook County Asssesor and County party Chair has conceded defeat.
A tv station calls the win for JB Pritzker. Wow, I thought that would go late in the night.
He has a *ton* of baggage for the fall. Rauner and his people correctly assumed months ago they would be facing him.
Rauner cannot “win” statewide in November, but Pritzker might be able to lose.
Lipinksi is running much better in the City of Chicago than the suburbs, and there seem to be a lot of suburban precincts still out.
Pretty weak showing for Chris Kennedy who is at 25% and in third place. He may finish in second when all is said and done, but I predicted several months ago to people that Kennedy would eventually finish behind Biss.
Chris Kennedy is now conceding.
This seems to indicate that nobody from his generation of Kennedys will ever win a statewide (or national) on their own – (his sister was once Lt. Governor of MD), and there have been several possibilities.
So, score one for the Bush Dynasty which is in its 4th generation of electing someone to statewide (or national) office,
Kennedy endorsed Pritzker but seemed to indicate he thought that Pritizker won via “cheating.”
BTW, Hillary did a last minute robocall for Pritzker. I guess it didn’t hurt him.
Rauner could only get Newt Gingrich to do a robocall for him.
Pritzker is taking the state to the song “Go Big or Go Home.”
Apparently, Lipinksi has now fallen behind.
Let’s see if the Machine can find a way to make it happen for him.
False alarm… computer error..
Or was it…..
Daily Kos Elections
76% in #ILGOV and Rauner up 51.6-48.4. Margin has been getting a little closer for a bit
Billionaire J.B. Pritzker has won the Democratic primary for Illinois governor
Daily Kos Elections
70% in #IL13 Dem primary to take on Rodney Davis, and it looks set. Dirksen Londrigan, who was backed by EMILY’s List and Dick Durbin, up 45-23
Daily Kos Elections
66% in #IL14 Dem primary to take on Randy Hultgren and Underwood up 58-14. She had EMILY backing for 49-45 Trump seat
Dsaily Kos Elections
Daily Kos Elections Retweeted Greg Giroux
Lipinski up with a bit of his Chicago base still out. It’ll be tight, but he’s looking good to win #IL03
One thing that looks pretty clear is that Lipinksi will have no chance to win a primary there in 2020.
If the guy wins this year ?
Why not next year?
Much, much higher turnout in a Presidential primary year, and he will probably have a stronger opponent, who will be much better funded.
In the AG race, Pat Quinn is still down 4 percent with a little under a quarter of precincts still out. It might get a lot closer, as he will do better in those places than Kwame Raoul.
If he falls short though, Quinn will officially lay claim to having lost each and every possible Illinois statewide office except Comptroller. He can shoot for that next and make it a clean sweep.
When they fall…….
Bruce Rauner is about to declare victory. I hope that’s not premature.
He’s been up 52-48 all night, but there is a problem with the vote count in DuPage Country.
That is where Ives is from, but the vote thus far from the county has him also up 52-48 there.
I doubt Ives will concede any time soon.
Dave Wasserman
sen Londrigan (D) wins nomination against Rep. Rodney Davis (R) in downstate #IL13. For now, @CookPolitical November rating: Likely R. Could get more competitive.
Daily Kos Elections
87% in #ILGOV and Rauner still up 51.6-48.4. Really seems locked in
Daily Kos Elections
86% in Dem AG race and Raoul up 30.5-27.7 on ex-Gov. Quinn. Has narrowly led for a while
Daily Kos Elections
Projection: Rep. Dan Lipinski (D) turns back primary challenge from Marie Newman (D) in #IL03, virtually assuring him another term.
Ives has conceded.
Let the billionaire mudfight commence.
Now, in this bizarro world, the rest of my night will consist of rooting for a Pat Quinn comeback in the vote count…
Ok ….
I’m out…
We have snow inbound for here….
Z, DSD, NYCmike and Manila will also be snowed on….
I’ll be here posting more over the next 24 hours….That’s before I’m out with the shovel and snow blower….
Marie Newman is refusing to concede.
Says she wants Lipinski to have a “painful evening.”
I wonder if she will endorse him over the Illinois Nazi.
and per Kwame Raoul, Pat Quinn has conceded the race.
Erika Harold is probably the best hope for the GOP in Illinois. Raoul looks a lot weaker than he did when he announced his candidacy.
and I guess this is “Taps” for the political career of Pat Quinn.
Pour one out for-
1986- Treasurer
1994- Secretary of State
1996- U.S. Senate
1998- Lt. Governor
2014- Governor
2018- Attorney General
Please Pat, run for Comptroller in 2022!
Quinn looks downright happy in his concession. It’s like he knows that he is a running for office addict and has gotten a reprieve.
Much different demeanor than when he lost to Rauner and refused to ever congratulate him, work on a transition, or go to the Inauguration.
In 2011, these two guys probably had no idea…
A couple of random thoughts then we are off to SoCal for a birthday party in Palm Springs (not my favorite place), if, of course, we can get there since the Pineapple Express has arrived from Hawaii and flights are delayed from our little airport.
First, the Democrats almost doubled turnout yesterday in Illinois compared to the Republicans (triple from their turnout in 2014), and are on target to take all the statewide offices and win back at least one (if not two) House seats from the GOP. Rauner is, like Mark Kirk was before him, dead man walking. I hope Mike Madigan enjoys his duel role as both Speaker of the House and Governor.
Second, the Austin bomber has been identified as a young homophobic conservative. I wonder how long the Republicans in Congress, Trump, or Fox News calls him what he was — a domestic terrorist? Well, since he is not black we all know the answer to that question.
Third, Bob Corker gave an interview and said the Republican base isn’t leaving Trump. “It’s tribal in nature,” where have we heard that before, and, “people don’t ask about issues anymore.” Nope, they want to know if you “are for Trump or not.” Hillary, although she should not have said it, was right, they are deplorable.
Finally, the Cambridge Analytica story has legs. It will open, I believe, a Pandora’s box leading to the story of how the Russians and stole a Presidential election. That bar they were filmed at bragging of their illegal activities is one of my favorite bars in London (the Berkeley Hotel). We stopped staying there because there were, guess what, too many Russians hanging out in the lobby. We will be there in May and I will stop by for old times sake.
Have a good day everyone!
Politico: “Democratic primary turnout was up across the state — overall, it was triple what it was in 2014, according to the Democratic Governors Association.”
“And turnout was 30 percent higher on Tuesday than in 2010, a more comparable primary election since there was a competitive Democratic primary that year. In an ominous sign, Republicans saw an estimated drop of 30 percent in turnout over 2014, which was a highly competitive primary where Rauner edged out three other top contenders.”